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Starting: 12/14/00
Ending: 01/30/06
- test Andrew H. Turner (12/14/00)
- Re: Welcome! Mike Dean (12/14/00)
- URIs for primitive datatypes and facets? Dan Connolly (12/15/00)
- Joint Committee telecon today Mike Dean (12/19/00)
- daml+oil Ian Horrocks (12/19/00)
- DAML+ONT URIs Mike Dean (12/20/00)
- daml+oil.daml Ian Horrocks (12/22/00)
- New version of walk-through available Frank van Harmelen (12/24/00)
- Avoiding exposed content in DAM+OIL Frank van Harmelen (12/25/00)
- about vs. ID Frank van Harmelen (12/25/00)
- using "undeclared" properties and classes Frank van Harmelen (12/25/00)
- parseType="daml:collection" Frank van Harmelen (12/27/00)
- DNS outage [email protected] (12/29/00)
- available again Mike Dean (01/03/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 2 January 2001 Mike Dean (01/04/01)
- Where did these syntax constraints come from? Dan Connolly (01/04/01)
- Re: Rules for restrictions Dan Connolly (01/04/01)
- [Fwd: Rules for restrictions] Dan Connolly (01/04/01)
- [Fwd: Tambis test files for RDF, DAML and notation3.] Dan Connolly (01/04/01)
- updated version of the axiomatic semantics Deborah Mcguinness (01/06/01)
- cyclical subclass/property statements Ian Horrocks (01/07/01)
- Representing Order in RDF Stefan Decker (01/09/01)
- Checking the DAML example Stefan Decker (01/09/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today Mike Dean (01/09/01)
- Mike Dean (01/09/01)
- New release of daml+oil Ian Horrocks (01/10/01)
- (no subject) Stefan Decker (01/10/01)
- DAML+OIL release Ian Horrocks (01/10/01)
- Ready for release Frank van Harmelen (01/11/01)
- DAML+OIL released Mike Dean (01/11/01)
- problems with DAML+OIL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (01/12/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 9 January 2001 Mike Dean (01/16/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today Mike Dean (01/16/01)
- progress on XML Schema datatype integration Dan Connolly (01/16/01)
- Explosive Stock Alert [email protected] (01/16/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 16 January 2001 Mike Dean (01/16/01)
- Extending daml+oil with concrete datatypes Ian Horrocks (01/22/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today Mike Dean (01/23/01)
- new Mike Dean (01/23/01)
- concrete extension Peter F. Patel-Schneider (01/23/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 23 January 2001 Mike Dean (01/24/01)
- Suggested changes to concrete datatypes proposal Jeff Heflin (01/29/01)
- DAMl "Thing" should be Top, Universal class - including concrete types Tim Berners-Lee (01/30/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 30 January Mike Dean (01/30/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 30 January 2001 Mike Dean (01/30/01)
- Concrete types: next steps? Frank van Harmelen (01/31/01)
- ``universal use'' languages Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/01/01)
- on disjointness motivation Dan Connolly (02/01/01)
- Re: DAMl "Thing" should be Top, Universal class - including concrete types pat hayes (02/06/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 6 February Mike Dean (02/06/01)
- [Fwd: DAML Presentation Description] Dan Connolly (02/06/01)
- added diagrams to "Using XML Schema Data Types..." Dan Connolly (02/06/01)
- Weekly summary on predefined classes :-) Frank van Harmelen (02/07/01)
- no Joint Committee tomorrow 13 February Mike Dean (02/12/01)
- Re: No Joint Committee telecon today - but language meeting tomorrow [email protected] (02/13/01)
- new syntax for datatypes Peter Patel-Schneider (02/15/01)
- new syntax for datatypes Ian Horrocks (02/15/01)
- some experience with concrete types Mike Dean (02/20/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 20 February Mike Dean (02/20/01)
- literals and equality Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/21/01)
- summary of status with respect to datatypes Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/22/01)
- one thing to agitate for at the RDF meeting Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/22/01)
- summary of status with respect to datatypes [revised] Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/22/01)
- daml+oil+dt examples, etc. Mike Dean (02/22/01)
- DAML briefing to RDF IG Mike Dean (02/26/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 27 February Mike Dean (02/27/01)
- daml+oil+dt release v4.1 Ian Horrocks (02/27/01)
- daml:SymmetricProperty? Mike Dean (03/01/01)
- DAML and Dublin Core: incompatibility? Dan Brickley (03/01/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 27 February 2001 Mike Dean (03/03/01)
- DAML+OIL (March 2001), CVS Mike Dean (03/03/01)
- DAML and reification Mike Dean (03/05/01)
- reification use cases Mike Dean (03/05/01)
- A few comments on the new DAML-OIL spec Jeff Heflin (03/05/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 6 March Mike Dean (03/06/01)
- Proof carrying code and proofs Jim Hendler (03/06/01)
- Acknowledgement of contributions Ian Horrocks (03/07/01)
- acknowledging code contributors Mike Dean (03/08/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 6 March 2001 Mike Dean (03/12/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 13 March Mike Dean (03/13/01)
- Announcement: Robin Patrick Decker Stefan Decker (03/18/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 13 March 2001 Mike Dean (03/19/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 20 March Mike Dean (03/20/01)
- N3/cwm on Windows Mike Dean (03/20/01)
- Re: new walkthrough Mike Dean (03/21/01)
- Examples, etc. - instances? Jim Hendler (03/21/01)
- comments on Reference description pat hayes (03/21/01)
- further de-abstraction details pat hayes (03/21/01)
- terminating 'imports' loops pat hayes (03/22/01)
- RE: new walkthrough (rdfs:label usage) [email protected] (03/22/01)
- Formalizing XML schema jhendler (03/23/01)
- Tagging Jim Hendler (03/26/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 20 March 2001 Mike Dean (03/27/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 27 March Mike Dean (03/27/01)
- walkthru and reference doc Kelly Barber (03/27/01)
- DAML+OIL (March 2001) released Mike Dean (03/28/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 27 March 2001 Mike Dean (04/02/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 3 April Mike Dean (04/03/01)
- Contentious issues document Frank van Harmelen (04/03/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 3 April 2001 Mike Dean (04/09/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 10 April Mike Dean (04/10/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 10 April 2001 Mike Dean (04/10/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 17 April Mike Dean (04/17/01)
- DAML+OIL Light Stefan Decker (04/17/01)
- (no subject) Ian Horrocks (04/23/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 17 April 2001 Mike Dean (04/24/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 24 April Mike Dean (04/24/01)
- Semantic Web panel at WWW10 Frank van Harmelen (04/24/01)
- DAML+OIL and FIPA Frank van Harmelen (04/24/01)
- Urgent! Semantic question about rdfs:domain. pat hayes (04/24/01)
- URIs on SIPRNET Mike Dean (04/25/01)
- Re: Range interpretation question. Ian Horrocks (04/25/01)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 1 May Mike Dean (04/30/01)
- Shoes [email protected] (05/01/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 24 April 2001 Mike Dean (05/04/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 8 May Mike Dean (05/07/01)
- Tim's paper Kelly Barber (05/08/01)
- Joint Committee Meeting tomorrow May 15 Deborah Mcguinness (05/14/01)
- DAML+OIL Layer 1 Stefan Decker (05/15/01)
- revised thinking on RDF reification, imports Dan Connolly (05/15/01)
- enhancing Unambiguous to be domain-dependent Dan Connolly (05/16/01)
- a recipie for ont:UnambiguousProperty, rdfs:isDefinedBy Dan Connolly (05/16/01)
- Joint Committee Meeting tomorrow May 22 Deborah Mcguinness (05/21/01)
- How do I do this? Jim Hendler (05/22/01)
- Joint Committee Telecon today? Peter F. Patel-Schneider (05/29/01)
- rule proto-proposal Peter F. Patel-Schneider (05/29/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 29 May Mike Dean (05/29/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 22 May 2001 Mike Dean (05/29/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes 29 May 2001 Mike Dean (05/30/01)
- A comment on DAML FAQ pat hayes (05/30/01)
- DAML PI Meeting info Mike Dean (05/31/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 5 June Mike Dean (06/04/01)
- teleconf tonight Frank van Harmelen (06/05/01)
- DAM+OIL agent application competition Frank van Harmelen (06/05/01)
- DAML Rules!!! pat hayes (06/05/01)
- Re: properties with classes as values? pat hayes (06/07/01)
- GlaxoSmithKline choose DAML+OIL Ian Horrocks (06/08/01)
- Joint Committee telecon Tuesday 12 June Mike Dean (06/08/01)
- Specific Language Extension Suggestion Jim Hendler (06/12/01)
- N3 version of daml+oil.daml Jim Hendler (06/14/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 19 June Mike Dean (06/19/01)
- Framework for specifying "reasonable" properties Ian Horrocks (06/19/01)
- [Automated theorem prover finds inconsistencies in DAML+OIL] Mike Dean (06/20/01)
- Coordination between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (06/24/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes June 5-19 Mike Dean (06/25/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 26 June Mike Dean (06/26/01)
- acyclical lists in DAML+OIL Ian Horrocks (06/27/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes June 26 Mike Dean (07/03/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 3 July Mike Dean (07/03/01)
- DAML RULES Stefan Decker (07/03/01)
- Coordination with RDF Core Frank van Harmelen (07/04/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes July 3 Mike Dean (07/09/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 10 July Mike Dean (07/10/01)
- DAML Rules Usage Examples... Stefan Decker (07/10/01)
- Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Frank van Harmelen (07/11/01)
- Re: DAML RULES -- logic programs, Webizing, RuleML new release (resend) Benjamin Grosof (07/13/01)
- telecon(s) next week Mike Dean (07/13/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes July 10 Mike Dean (07/16/01)
- F2F location Mike Dean (07/16/01)
- [Brian McBride: Re: Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL] Mike Dean (07/18/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 24 July Mike Dean (07/24/01)
- pls fix daml+oil-index [Fwd: N3 version of daml+oil.daml (KIF version, too)] Dan Connolly (07/24/01)
- no Joint Committee telecon 31 July Mike Dean (07/31/01)
- yet another rules proposal Mike Dean (08/03/01)
- no Joint Committee telecon 7 August Mike Dean (08/06/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 14 August Mike Dean (08/13/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes August 14 Mike Dean (08/14/01)
- who holds copyright on DAML+OIL? Dan Connolly (08/15/01)
- draft: Combining Rules with Ontologies for the Semantic Web Benjamin Grosof (08/16/01)
- Re: URGENT: please post: draft: Combining Rules with Ontologies for the Semantic Web Mike Dean (08/18/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 21 August Mike Dean (08/20/01)
- daml+oil syntax checker Ian Horrocks (08/22/01)
- Strawman DAML+OIL Query Language Proposal Richard Fikes (08/22/01)
- Fwd: DAML+OIL W3C Note Jim Hendler (08/24/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes August 21 Mike Dean (08/27/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 28 August Mike Dean (08/28/01)
- address of message Peter Patel-Schneider (08/28/01)
- submission URL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (08/28/01)
- subclass loops, proper subclasses and so on pat hayes (08/28/01)
- summary: acyclic class hierarchy Frank van Harmelen (08/28/01)
- summary: Web Ontology WG discussion among AC members Frank van Harmelen (08/28/01)
- Ontologies Containing FOL Axioms Richard Fikes (08/31/01)
- MIT support for Joint Committee Eric Miller (09/02/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes August 28 Mike Dean (09/03/01)
- Re: DAML bug Mike Dean (09/04/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 28 August Mike Dean (09/04/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes September 4 Mike Dean (09/05/01)
- [no Joint Committee telecon today 11 September] Mike Dean (09/11/01)
- A bump on the DAML+OIL road Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/12/01)
- submission to you-know-what Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/12/01)
- www pointers in submission to you-know-what Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/13/01)
- w3c submission Deborah McGuinness (09/14/01)
- RDF query languages Frank van Harmelen (09/18/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 18 September Mike Dean (09/18/01)
- url for w3c validation Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/18/01)
- DAML+OIL Query Language and RQL Richard Fikes (09/24/01)
- Information Exchanged During Query-Answering Richard Fikes (09/24/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes September 18 Mike Dean (09/24/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 25 September Mike Dean (09/24/01)
- a map to acronym space on query languages & storage devices Frank van Harmelen (09/25/01)
- [Fwd: Re: a map to acronym space on query languages & storage devices] Frank van Harmelen (09/25/01)
- On Behalf of Deborah McGuinness Brandon Amundson (09/26/01)
- On Behalf of Adam Pease Brandon Amundson (09/26/01)
- problems caused by the delay in the starting of the webont wg Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/28/01)
- an RDFS-aware model theory for DAML+OIL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/28/01)
- including labels and comments in the ``definition'' of DAML+OIL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/29/01)
- more on daml+oil.daml Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/29/01)
- updated new model theory Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/29/01)
- proposed agenda item for this week's meeting Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/01/01)
- comments on proposed agenda items Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/01/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes September 25 Mike Dean (10/02/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 2 October Mike Dean (10/02/01)
- new model theory for DAML+OIL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/02/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes October 2 Mike Dean (10/02/01)
- more thoughts on daml+oil.daml Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/03/01)
- datatypes and RDF Schema Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/04/01)
- two documents concerning datatypes in RDFS Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/08/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 9 October Mike Dean (10/08/01)
- EU/NSF meeting Frank van Harmelen (10/09/01)
- US/EU Meeting... Stefan Decker (10/09/01)
- Semantic Web Class Jeff Heflin (10/09/01)
- General Semantic Web talk material Frank van Harmelen (10/09/01)
- model theory and literals Pat Hayes (10/10/01)
- XML Query data model, algebra, and stuff Dan Connolly (10/11/01)
- Can XQuery do RDF Query? DAML Query? Dan Connolly (10/11/01)
- a new way of thinking about RDF and RDF Schema Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/12/01)
- webont status at next meeting Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/12/01)
- Tonight's teleconf Ian Horrocks (10/16/01)
- apologies Pat Hayes (10/16/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes October 9 Mike Dean (10/16/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 16 October Mike Dean (10/16/01)
- RDF processor Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/18/01)
- on behalf of Jim Hendler Joseph Coffman (10/22/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes October 16 Mike Dean (10/23/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 23 October Mike Dean (10/23/01)
- on behalf of sandro Joseph Coffman (10/24/01)
- Re: on behalf of sandro (fwd) Ian Horrocks (10/25/01)
- announcement by W3C Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/27/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes October 23 Mike Dean (10/30/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 30 October Mike Dean (10/30/01)
- Errors in the March 2001 DAML+OIL specs Jeff Heflin (10/30/01)
- authorship and releases Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/30/01)
- status of submission Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/31/01)
- Validating daml+oil-ex.daml Jeff Heflin (10/31/01)
- ON DQL AND RDF Brandon Amundson (11/02/01)
- ON DQL AND RDF Brandon Amundson (11/02/01)
- Fwd: submission from Vassilis Christophides [email protected] Joseph Coffman (11/02/01)
- [Fwd: Minor syntactic bug in DAML+OIL 2001/03] Frank van Harmelen (11/05/01)
- Class warfare: rdfs: vs. daml: Pat Hayes (11/05/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 6 November Mike Dean (11/06/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes October 30 Mike Dean (11/06/01)
- Query Language Issues Richard Fikes (11/06/01)
- axiomatic semantics Deborah McGuinness (11/06/01)
- INTAP, Tokyo, set up Semantic Web Task Force [email protected] (11/06/01)
- [Fwd: Re: Query Language Issues] Richard Fikes (11/06/01)
- DAML+OIL Expressivity Question Jeff Heflin (11/07/01)
- Fwd: submission from [Jim Hendler <[email protected]>] Joseph Coffman (11/09/01)
- agenda for Joint Committee telecon 13 November Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/12/01)
- updated agenda for Joint Committee telecon 13 November Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/13/01)
- Fw: Re: revised DAML+OIL submission to W3C Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/14/01)
- more grief on the submission Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/14/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes November 6 Mike Dean (11/19/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes November 13 Mike Dean (11/19/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 20 November Mike Dean (11/19/01)
- followup from telecon (integration of XML and RDF) Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/20/01)
- Datatyping Foibles Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/21/01)
- Cutting the Patrician datatype knot Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/21/01)
- Can we layer a DAML+OIL model theory on top of RDF? Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/22/01)
- Fwd: submission from [[email protected]] Joseph Coffman (11/26/01)
- Fwd: submission from [Roland Schwaenzl <[email protected]>] Joseph Coffman (11/26/01)
- Fwd: submission from [[email protected]] Joseph Coffman (11/26/01)
- Fwd:submission from [Uche Ogbuji <[email protected]>] Joseph Coffman (11/26/01)
- Can one layer a DAML+OIL model theory on top of RDF? Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/26/01)
- Agentcities most likely to use DAML+OIL Frank van Harmelen (11/25/01)
- Joint Committee Minutes November 20 Mike Dean (11/26/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 27 November Mike Dean (11/26/01)
- (DQL) Servers and Clients Richard Fikes (11/27/01)
- (DQL) Expressiveness of Query Patterns Richard Fikes (11/27/01)
- a revised version of my datatyping message (agenda item 2) Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/27/01)
- querying DAML+OIL syntax Peter F. Patel-Schneider (11/27/01)
- RE: submission from [Uche Ogbuji <[email protected]>] [email protected] (11/28/01)
- Fwd: Re: querying DAML+OIL syntax Jim Hendler (11/30/01)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 December Mike Dean (12/03/01)
- Fwd: member submission from ["Jonathan Borden" <[email protected]>] Joseph Coffman (12/04/01)
- layering DAML+OIL on top of RDF Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/04/01)
- new version of new view of DAML+OIL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/06/01)
- the use and abuse of meta Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/06/01)
- Re: semantic paradoxes (was Re: how to handle DAML+OIL syntaxintheRDF model theory) Pat Hayes (12/07/01)
- DQL Query Patterns and Variable Bindings Richard Fikes (12/10/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 11 December Mike Dean (12/11/01)
- replay of message to webont re working on the language Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/11/01)
- Query continuations (was: Re: DQL Query Patterns and Variable Bindings) Pat Hayes (12/11/01)
- Joint Committee telecon today 18 December Mike Dean (12/18/01)
- Re: DAML+OIL submitted to W3C Mike Dean (12/18/01)
- RE: DAML+OIL submitted to W3C mburke (12/19/01)
- UPDATE: new, combined document for SWOL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/20/01)
- downtime today Mike Dean (12/21/01)
- Test Brandon Amundson (01/12/02)
- Re: ISSUES: DAML+OIL issues/experience/changes Mike Dean (01/08/02)
- draft RDF datatyping response Mike Dean (01/08/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 8 January Mike Dean (01/08/02)
- Fw: Typos in 'Annotated DAML+OIL Ontology Markup', 20011218 Peter F. Patel-Schneider (01/08/02)
- Joint Committee response regarding datatyping Mike Dean (01/10/02)
- Re: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-01-11 Mike Dean (01/11/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 January Mike Dean (01/21/02)
- [Fwd: material on Rules for today's Joint Committee telecon] Mike Dean (01/22/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 29 January Mike Dean (01/28/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 5 February Mike Dean (02/04/02)
- DQL Description (for today's telecon) Richard Fikes (02/05/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 12 February Mike Dean (02/11/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 19 February Mike Dean (02/18/02)
- DIG Ian Horrocks (02/19/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 26 February Mike Dean (02/26/02)
- rules, queries and DAML+OIL Ian Horrocks (02/26/02)
- DQL semantics Ian Horrocks (03/04/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 5 March Mike Dean (03/05/02)
- [Fwd: Ontologies Containing FOL Axioms] Richard Fikes (03/05/02)
- Deborah McGuinness (03/07/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 12 March Mike Dean (03/11/02)
- [Fwd: ANN: DAML and RDF Topic Maps] Frank van Harmelen (03/12/02)
- Updated DQL Specification Richard Fikes (03/18/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 19 March Mike Dean (03/18/02)
- Resent-From: Mike Dean <[email protected]> Brandon Amundson (03/20/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 2 April Mike Dean (04/02/02)
- Re: DAML and complexType's? Mike Dean (04/03/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 9 April Mike Dean (04/09/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 16 April Mike Dean (04/15/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 April Mike Dean (04/22/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 30 April Mike Dean (04/29/02)
- Semantic Web article in today's Financial Times Ian Horrocks (05/06/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 7 May Mike Dean (05/07/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 May Mike Dean (05/13/02)
- (no subject) Peter F. Patel-Schneider (05/15/02)
- short paper on DAML-Rules as background for tomorrow's Joint Committee telecon Benjamin Grosof (05/20/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 21 May Mike Dean (05/21/02)
- New DQL Specification Richard Fikes (05/24/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 28 May Mike Dean (05/28/02)
- apologies Peter F. Patel-Schneider (05/28/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 June Mike Dean (06/04/02)
- Input To Today's DQL Discussion Richard Fikes (06/04/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 11 June Mike Dean (06/10/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 18 June Mike Dean (06/17/02)
- 'null' Bindings in DQL Answers Richard Fikes (06/18/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 25 June Mike Dean (06/24/02)
- New DQL Spec Richard Fikes (06/24/02)
- DQL Examples Richard Fikes (06/25/02)
- Postscript on Today's DQL Discussion Richard Fikes (06/25/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 2 July Mike Dean (07/01/02)
- regrets for tues and feature synopsis status Deborah McGuinness (07/06/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 9 July Mike Dean (07/08/02)
- DQL queries Ian Horrocks (07/09/02)
- DAML+OIL model theory stance on classes as instances Peter F. Patel-Schneider (07/10/02)
- Apology to the Authors of the DAML+OIL Model-Theoretic Semantics Richard Fikes (07/10/02)
- regrets pat hayes (07/22/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 July Mike Dean (07/22/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 30 July Mike Dean (07/29/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 6 August Mike Dean (08/05/02)
- Workshop on Ontologies and the Semantic Web Richard Fikes (08/06/02)
- Semantic Web Meets Language Resources Deborah McGuinness (08/06/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 August Mike Dean (08/12/02)
- URL for site on SweetJess, including prototype of RuleML in DAML+OIL and its translation to Jess Benjamin Grosof (08/13/02)
- DQL ontology tim finin (08/13/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 20 August Mike Dean (08/19/02)
- DQL Ian Horrocks (08/20/02)
- Updated DQL Spec Richard Fikes (08/23/02)
- New New Updated DQL Spec Richard Fikes (08/23/02)
- new draft of "Description Rules: Combining Logic Programs with Description Logic" Benjamin Grosof (08/23/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 27 August Mike Dean (08/26/02)
- DQL Spec and Announcement Richard Fikes (08/29/02)
- DAML Query Language (August 2002) released Mike Dean (08/29/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 3 September Mike Dean (09/02/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 10 September Mike Dean (09/09/02)
- here is a pointer to the stereo configuration example Deborah McGuinness (09/10/02)
- Ontology tutorial material Ian Horrocks (09/11/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 September Mike Dean (09/16/02)
- Comments on DQL from Joe Rockmore Richard Fikes (09/19/02)
- Proposed XML Syntax for DQL Richard Fikes (09/24/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 24 September Mike Dean (09/24/02)
- finite universes pat hayes (09/24/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 1 October Mike Dean (09/30/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 8 October Mike Dean (10/07/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 October Mike Dean (10/14/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 October Mike Dean (10/21/02)
- Slides for rules Ian Horrocks (10/22/02)
- Suggestions for DQL changes made at Portland pat hayes (10/24/02)
- request for feedback on domain and range semantics. pat hayes (10/25/02)
- current version of Description Logic Programs paper and talk slides Benjamin Grosof (10/27/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 29 October Mike Dean (10/28/02)
- slides "Introduction to RuleML" for today's Joint Committee telecon Benjamin Grosof (10/29/02)
- more slides on RuleML intro -- syntax examples and details -- for today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (10/29/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 5 November Mike Dean (11/05/02)
- Slides "RuleML Meets RDF" for today's Joint Committee telecon Boley, Harold (11/05/02)
- RDF literals pat hayes (11/05/02)
- RE: Slides "RuleML Meets RDF" for today's Joint Committee telecon and RDF's bNodes Boley, Harold (11/05/02)
- RuleML -> RDF Sandro Hawke (11/06/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 12 November Mike Dean (11/12/02)
- inference rules Mike Dean (11/12/02)
- deSkolemizing to get Horn-expressivity with RDF rules Sandro Hawke (11/12/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 19 November Mike Dean (11/18/02)
- Description Logic Programs working paper -- new version Benjamin Grosof (11/22/02)
- Semantic Web Services & Rules: overview talk slides Benjamin Grosof (11/22/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 26 November Mike Dean (11/25/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 26 November Mike Dean (11/25/02)
- Bubo - Implementing OWL in rule-based systems Stefan Decker (11/26/02)
- Joint Committee telecon today 3 December Mike Dean (12/03/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 10 December Mike Dean (12/09/02)
- no Joint Committee telecon December 17,24,31 Mike Dean (12/15/02)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 7 January Mike Dean (01/06/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 14 January Mike Dean (01/14/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 21 January Mike Dean (01/21/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 28 January Mike Dean (01/27/03)
- Rules! Stefan Decker (01/28/03)
- rules timelines and deliverables; can't be on call today Benjamin Grosof (01/28/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 4 February Mike Dean (02/04/03)
- ontology transformation use case Mike Dean (02/04/03)
- extended inference use case Mike Dean (02/04/03)
- Use Cases Stefan Decker (02/11/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 11 February Mike Dean (02/11/03)
- Action Items Stefan Decker (02/11/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 18 February Mike Dean (02/18/03)
- Complexity of Lloyd-Topor Stefan Decker (02/18/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 25 February Mike Dean (02/24/03)
- Use Cases Document Stefan Decker (02/25/03)
- Regrets for today's telecon [email protected] (02/25/03)
- what is a rule? pat hayes (02/25/03)
- no telecon next week due to W3C Plenary Benjamin Grosof (02/25/03)
- minutes of 2/25/03 meeting Benjamin Grosof (03/03/03)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 March Mike Dean (03/04/03)
- Logic Layering Issues for DAML Rules Sandro Hawke (03/08/03)
- DQL update, etc. Mike Dean (03/10/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 11 March Mike Dean (03/11/03)
- use cases: log:semantics, log:includes, log:notIncludes Sandro Hawke (03/11/03)
- KSL DQL Web Site Richard Fikes (03/11/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 18 March Mike Dean (03/18/03)
- Re: notes from our working meeting today on query and rules stuff Eric Prud'hommeaux (03/18/03)
- Draft Updated DQL Specification Richard Fikes (03/18/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 25 March Mike Dean (03/25/03)
- New Version Use Cases Document Stefan Decker (03/25/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 1 April Mike Dean (03/31/03)
- Proposed Additional Paragraph Richard Fikes (04/01/03)
- N3 in Object-Oriented RuleML Harold Boley (04/02/03)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 8 April Mike Dean (04/07/03)
- DAML Query Language (April 2003) released Mike Dean (04/07/03)
- Re: DQL specification -- Neil Goldman (04/14/03)
- regrets Ian Horrocks (04/15/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 15 April Mike Dean (04/15/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 22 April Mike Dean (04/22/03)
- RuleML abstract syntax and DTD documents for April 22 2003 JC telecon presentation Benjamin Grosof (04/22/03)
- corrected version of RuleML abstract syntax and DTD documents for April 22 2003 JC telecon presentation Benjamin Grosof (04/24/03)
- OWL/RDF syntax for RuleML: my notes from discussion on JC telecon 4/22/2003 Benjamin Grosof (04/24/03)
- comments please: Approaches to Negation in RuleML Benjamin Grosof (04/25/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 29 April Mike Dean (04/29/03)
- my notes from today's 4/29/03 JC telecon discussion on RDF/OWL as possible syntax for Rules Benjamin Grosof (04/29/03)
- eXtensible Rule Markup Language (XRML) Mike Dean (05/02/03)
- DAML Rules strawman roadmap Mike Dean (05/06/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 6 May Mike Dean (05/06/03)
- some suggestions on roadmap for Rules (inline'd and attached too) Benjamin Grosof (05/06/03)
- RuleML V0.8 DTD and documentation comments Benjamin Grosof (05/09/03)
- my notes from JC telecon 5/6/03 on roadmap for rules (inline'd and attached) Benjamin Grosof (05/09/03)
- RuleML's Horn logic program semantics: draft (inline'd and attached) Benjamin Grosof (05/09/03)
- revised version: some suggestions on roadmap for Rules (inline'd and attached too) Benjamin Grosof (05/09/03)
- Regrets for 13th May Ian Horrocks (05/12/03)
- simple rule examples Mike Dean (05/12/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 May Mike Dean (05/12/03)
- RE: simple rule examples and RuleML Datalog impl [email protected] (05/13/03)
- (no subject) pat hayes (05/13/03)
- my notes from today's 5/13/03 Joint Committee telecon -- please contribute edits Benjamin Grosof (05/13/03)
- no Joint Committee telecon 20 May Mike Dean (05/20/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 27 May Mike Dean (05/27/03)
- my notes from today's JC telecon (inline'd and attached) Benjamin Grosof (05/27/03)
- updated rules roadmap suggestions (inline'd and attached) -- this is now the 3rd version Benjamin Grosof (05/27/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 3 June Mike Dean (06/03/03)
- DRAFT 2: Built-Ins [email protected] (06/03/03)
- my notes from today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (06/03/03)
- Wanted: Test Case for Herbrand Semantics Sandro Hawke (06/04/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 10 June Mike Dean (06/10/03)
- notes from today's JC telecon about built-ins in rules language Benjamin Grosof (06/10/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 June Mike Dean (06/16/03)
- my notes from today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (06/17/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 24 June Mike Dean (06/23/03)
- notes from today's JC telecon on rules roadmap and explicit equality and semantics Benjamin Grosof (06/24/03)
- rule test cases Mike Dean (06/25/03)
- additional rule requirements/objectives Mike Dean (06/30/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 1 July Mike Dean (06/30/03)
- my notes from today's JC telecon on rule test cases and integration with OWL Benjamin Grosof (07/01/03)
- comments invited: draft of axiomatization of explicit equality for LP rules language Benjamin Grosof (07/01/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 8 July Mike Dean (07/07/03)
- daml rules document strawman v1 Benjamin Grosof (07/08/03)
- notes from today's JC telecon on DAML Rules strawman and plans Benjamin Grosof (07/08/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 July Mike Dean (07/15/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 22 July Mike Dean (07/22/03)
- XML syntax examples for today's discussion Said Tabet (07/22/03)
- updated Requirements Mike Dean (07/29/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 29 July Mike Dean (07/29/03)
- notes from today's JC telecon on requirements and basic approach to layering rules on top of OWL Benjamin Grosof (07/29/03)
- proposal for initial Rules Lite and further phasing to Rules Full; your comments requested for 8/5 telecon Benjamin Grosof (07/31/03)
- propose Datalog restriction for Rules Lite Benjamin Grosof (08/01/03)
- more comments on initial proposal for Rules Lite: issues to tackle/defer, "just incompleteness" Benjamin Grosof (08/01/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 5 August Mike Dean (08/05/03)
- RDF lists and rules Mike Dean (08/05/03)
- notes by Benjamin from today's JC telecon on Rules Lite requirements, expressiveness, work items, action plans, schedule Benjamin Grosof (08/05/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 12 August Mike Dean (08/12/03)
- notes from today's JC telecon: Rules Lite work items and expressiveness (inline'd and attached) Benjamin Grosof (08/12/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 19 August Mike Dean (08/19/03)
- my notes from 8/19/03 JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (08/19/03)
- bNode rule tests Mike Dean (08/26/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 26 August Mike Dean (08/26/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 2 September Mike Dean (09/02/03)
- Jena 2 rule engine Mike Dean (09/02/03)
- [Said Tabet: notes from September 2 telecon] Mike Dean (09/05/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 9 September Mike Dean (09/08/03)
- my notes from today's JC telecon; agenda was on rules and news Benjamin Grosof (09/09/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 16 September Mike Dean (09/16/03)
- sorry to miss yesterday's JC telecon -- a personal event intervened (my grandmother died) Benjamin Grosof (09/17/03)
- OWLP version 0.5 available from Bell Labs Peter F. Patel-Schneider (09/18/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 September Mike Dean (09/22/03)
- regrets -- cannot attend today's telecon, but expect to be on next week and send draft before then Benjamin Grosof (09/23/03)
- OWL Rules proposal Ian Horrocks (09/28/03)
- OWL Rules proposal Ian Horrocks (09/30/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 30 September Mike Dean (09/30/03)
- Re: OWL Rules proposal (fwd) Ian Horrocks (09/30/03)
- expressiveness and evolution issues for Rules Lite, some implications for syntax too Benjamin Grosof (09/30/03)
- more thoughts on evolution of Rules Lite syntax Benjamin Grosof (09/30/03)
- warning label Mike Dean (10/05/03)
- Jacob Bloomfield Grosof birth announcement Mike Dean (10/06/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 7 October Mike Dean (10/07/03)
- some comments Re: warning label Benjamin Grosof (10/07/03)
- nXML mode Sandro Hawke (10/07/03)
- my notes from today's JC telecon on Rules draft, DAML PI Mtg plans, OMG Benjamin Grosof (10/07/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 14 October Mike Dean (10/14/03)
- revised draft of warning label section Benjamin Grosof (10/14/03)
- some small edits for beginning of OWL Rules draft Benjamin Grosof (10/14/03)
- suggestion: preface for OWL Rules draft Benjamin Grosof (10/14/03)
- notes from 10/14/03 JC telecon on OWL Rules and prep for DAML PI Meeting Benjamin Grosof (10/14/03)
- slightly revised "long" version of warning label section for OWL Rules draft Benjamin Grosof (10/16/03)
- short version of "warning label" section for OWL Rules document Benjamin Grosof (10/16/03)
- Fwd: rules features feedback from Cycorp: OWL-Rules extension priorities Benjamin Grosof (10/17/03)
- technical detail feedback on OWL Rules: truth value for empty consequent Benjamin Grosof (10/17/03)
- DAML PI Meeting JC Rules Update -- Discussion materials: slides and summary notes of discussion Benjamin Grosof (10/17/03)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 21 October Mike Dean (10/21/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 28 October Mike Dean (10/28/03)
- rules document Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/29/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 November Mike Dean (11/04/03)
- regrets -- have conflict today with the telecon Benjamin Grosof (11/04/03)
- Rules WG -- draft charter -- discussion on www-rdf-rules Sandro Hawke (11/07/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 11 November Mike Dean (11/11/03)
- another issue for the issues list and agenda for discussion today Benjamin Grosof (11/11/03)
- updating the DLP doc's/links on the DAML Rules page Benjamin Grosof (11/11/03)
- notes from 11/11/03 JC telecon on Rules and preparing W3 Note Benjamin Grosof (11/12/03)
- RDF Concrete Syntax Mike Dean (11/12/03)
- Concrete Syntaxes Mike Dean (11/12/03)
- I posted a new WG charter draft Benjamin Grosof (11/12/03)
- SWRL updates Mike Dean (11/14/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 18 November Mike Dean (11/18/03)
- Pat's edit Ian Horrocks (11/18/03)
- SWRL document updates from today's JC telecon are done and in cvs Benjamin Grosof (11/18/03)
- draft SWRL announcement Mike Dean (11/19/03)
- Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.5 released Mike Dean (11/20/03)
- yay Re: Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.5 released Benjamin Grosof (11/20/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 25 November Mike Dean (11/25/03)
- more background for today: new WG charter draft I wrote Benjamin Grosof (11/25/03)
- SWRL 0.6 suggestions Mike Dean (12/01/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 2 December Mike Dean (12/02/03)
- directions for SWRL Benjamin Grosof (12/02/03)
- notes from today's JC telecon 12/2/03 Benjamin Grosof (12/02/03)
- updated document with possible directions for SWRL Benjamin Grosof (12/02/03)
- (no subject) Mike Dean (12/09/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 9 December Mike Dean (12/09/03)
- notes from today's 12/09/03 JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (12/09/03)
- datatype comparisons and arithmetic conversions Mike Dean (12/16/03)
- Joint Committee telecon today 16 December Mike Dean (12/16/03)
- possible regrets for today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (12/16/03)
- OpenMath and MathML-Content expressions David Martin (12/16/03)
- Lecturer position at University of Manchester Ian Horrocks (12/18/03)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 December Mike Dean (12/23/03)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 30 December Mike Dean (12/30/03)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 6 January - new telecon number Mike Dean (01/06/04)
- RE: datatype comparisons and arithmetic conversions: Link Previously suggested list of Built-ins [email protected] (01/06/04)
- regrets for today's telecon Benjamin Grosof (01/06/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 January Mike Dean (01/12/04)
- SWRL Built-Ins approach: our updated list (attached as TEXT file) [email protected] (01/13/04)
- my notes from today's JC telecon 1/3/04 Benjamin Grosof (01/13/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 20 January Mike Dean (01/20/04)
- SWRL Built-Ins update [email protected] (01/20/04)
- [Fwd: Re: Submission request to W3C: Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)] Deborah L. McGuinness (01/20/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 27 January Mike Dean (01/27/04)
- Re: Joint Committee telecon today 27 January: Built-Ins Updated Doc. (Attached as HTML) [email protected] (01/27/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 3 February Mike Dean (02/03/04)
- notes from today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (02/03/04)
- SemWebCentral feedback Mike Dean (02/04/04)
- HI [email protected] (02/06/04)
- nbbeuwltn [email protected] (02/07/04)
- (no subject) [email protected] (02/08/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 10 February Mike Dean (02/09/04)
- HI [email protected] (02/10/04)
- notes from today's JC telecon 2/10/04 Benjamin Grosof (02/10/04)
- Hello [email protected] (02/11/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 February Mike Dean (02/17/04)
- interesting work on rules Ian Horrocks (02/17/04)
- SWRL reduces waste Ian Horrocks (02/19/04)
- SWRL accessor and constructor operations Mike Dean (02/20/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 24 February Mike Dean (02/24/04)
- My notes from today's JC telecon [email protected] (02/24/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 2 March Mike Dean (03/02/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 9 March Mike Dean (03/09/04)
- my notes from today 3/9/04 JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (03/09/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 16 March Mike Dean (03/16/04)
- SWRL to CLIPS/JESS implementation experience Mike Dean (03/23/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 23 March Mike Dean (03/23/04)
- regrets for today's telecon Benjamin Grosof (03/23/04)
- Congratulations! [email protected] (03/23/04)
- new versions of SWRL draft Peter F. Patel-Schneider (03/24/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 30 March Mike Dean (03/30/04)
- regrets for today's telecon Benjamin Grosof (03/30/04)
- Away Richard Fikes (04/05/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 6 April Mike Dean (04/06/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 April Mike Dean (04/12/04)
- Fwd: CFP: Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning - St Malo, France Benjamin Grosof (04/13/04)
- offline Mike Dean (04/19/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 20 April Mike Dean (04/20/04)
- Hoolet SWRL reasoner Ian Horrocks (04/26/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 27 April Mike Dean (04/27/04)
- draft SWRL 0.6 announcement Mike Dean (05/04/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 4 May Mike Dean (05/04/04)
- regrets for today's telecon; related matters about today's agenda Benjamin Grosof (05/04/04)
- Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.6 released Mike Dean (05/04/04)
- yay Re: Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.6 released Benjamin Grosof (05/05/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 11 May Mike Dean (05/11/04)
- Epistemic Description Logics Ian Horrocks (05/11/04)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 18 May Mike Dean (05/17/04)
- Rules/Services outbrief Mike Dean (05/29/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 1 June Mike Dean (06/01/04)
- notes from 6/1/04 JC telecon -- including ACTION plan for FOL Benjamin Grosof (06/03/04)
- V0.1 strawman of FOL extension of SWRL Benjamin Grosof (06/04/04)
- rather drafty draft of SCL 1.0 Pat Hayes (06/07/04)
- SCL 1.0 try again Pat Hayes (06/07/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 8 June Mike Dean (06/08/04)
- my notes from today's JC telecon 6/8/04 Benjamin Grosof (06/08/04)
- some SCL background info Pat Hayes (06/08/04)
- Converging SCL's XCL and SWRL's RuleML for FOL Extensions Boley, Harold (06/08/04)
- SCL document now on website Pat Hayes (06/09/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 June Mike Dean (06/14/04)
- PSL Ontology -- Current Theories and Extensions Boley, Harold (06/15/04)
- regrets for today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (06/15/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 June Mike Dean (06/21/04)
- regrets for today's telecon Benjamin Grosof (06/22/04)
- corrections and an issue for SWRL spec esp. in abstract syntax Benjamin Grosof (06/26/04)
- draft of SCL XML syntax Pat Hayes (06/27/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 29 June Mike Dean (06/29/04)
- RE: Joint Committee telecon today 29 June (New Release: Modular S pecification of RuleML) Boley, Harold (06/29/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 6 July Mike Dean (07/06/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 July Mike Dean (07/12/04)
- SWRL RuleML Suggestion David Z. Hirtle (07/15/04)
- RE: SWR/ RuleML rule names Wagner, G.R. (07/15/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 20 July Mike Dean (07/20/04)
- regrets for today's JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (07/20/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 27 July Mike Dean (07/26/04)
- current draft of SWSL Rules design doc Benjamin Grosof (07/27/04)
- overview slides on SWSL Rules Benjamin Grosof (07/27/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 3 August Mike Dean (08/03/04)
- Out of Office AutoReply: Wagner, G.R. (08/09/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 10 August Mike Dean (08/10/04)
- RE: Joint Committee telecon today 10 August -- FOL RuleML adapted Boley, Harold (08/10/04)
- notes from today's 8/10/04 Joint Committee telecon on SWRL-FOL spec and workplans, and future of JC Benjamin Grosof (08/10/04)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 August Mike Dean (08/16/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 24 August Mike Dean (08/24/04)
- notes from (most of) today's 8/24/2004 Joint Committee telecon on FOL and SWSL and built-ins Benjamin Grosof (08/24/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 31 August Mike Dean (08/31/04)
- regrets for today Benjamin Grosof (08/31/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 7 September Mike Dean (09/07/04)
- regrets for today's telecon -- couldn't attend since am traveling in France this week Benjamin Grosof (09/07/04)
- FOL RuleML Updated Boley, Harold (09/13/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 14 September Mike Dean (09/14/04)
- notes from today's 9/14/04 JC telecon on FOL RuleML design and PPSWR04 report Benjamin Grosof (09/14/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 21 September Mike Dean (09/21/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 28 September Mike Dean (09/28/04)
- TODO/issue for FOL RuleML + SWRL semantics: data type value semantics Benjamin Grosof (09/28/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 5 October Mike Dean (10/05/04)
- $B%"%I%l%9$N3NG'$*4j$$$7$^$9(B (*^-^) [email protected] (10/05/04)
- $BL$>5Bz9-9p(B $B"((B $B"!=P2q$$$NHb(B!$B$$$$?M$,I,$:!&!&!&(B [email protected] (10/06/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 12 October Mike Dean (10/12/04)
- notes from today's 10/12/04 JC telecon on SWRL-FOL and FOL-RuleML Benjamin Grosof (10/12/04)
- updated FOL document Peter F. Patel-Schneider (10/18/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 19 October Mike Dean (10/19/04)
- regrettings Pat Hayes (10/19/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 26 October Mike Dean (10/26/04)
- markup tagnames for negation: consensus formulation and notes from RuleML SC telecon 10/28/04 Benjamin Grosof (10/28/04)
- I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE Dr.mustafa mohammed (10/29/04)
- Joint Committee telecon today 2 November Mike Dean (11/02/04)
- SWRL FOL released Mike Dean (11/04/04)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 9 November Mike Dean (11/08/04)
- FOL RuleML released Boley, Harold (11/14/04)
- SWRL sameAs/differentFrom inconsistency Mike Dean (11/15/04)
- SWRL builtinAtom/List inconsistency Mike Dean (11/15/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 16 November Mike Dean (11/15/04)
- my notes from today's 11/16/04 JC telecon Benjamin Grosof (11/16/04)
- suggested tweaks to wording of SWRL FOL document Benjamin Grosof (11/18/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 November Mike Dean (11/22/04)
- regrets for yesterday Benjamin Grosof (11/24/04)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow November 30 Mike Dean (11/29/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 7 December Mike Dean (12/06/04)
- SWRL (FOL) n-ary relations Mike Dean (12/07/04)
- comment on N-ary relations draft Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/07/04)
- regrets for today Benjamin Grosof (12/07/04)
- Re: [OEP] RE: comment on N-ary relations draft Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/09/04)
- Re: [All] RE: comment on N-ary relations draft Peter F. Patel-Schneider (12/09/04)
- Joint Commitee teleconf 14 the Dec Ian Horrocks (12/12/04)
- JC telecon tomorrow 12/14 Benjamin Grosof (12/13/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 14 December Mike Dean (12/13/04)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 21 December Mike Dean (12/20/04)
- suggested edits on SWRL-FOL document (I think they're high-priority) Benjamin Grosof (12/21/04)
- small edit Re: SWRL FOL submission Benjamin Grosof (12/21/04)
- RE: suggested edits on SWRL-FOL document (I think they're high-priority) Said TABET (12/21/04)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow December 28 Mike Dean (12/27/04)
- $B!{8r=w;R9;@8%O(B$B%a;#$j(B �M�ꂽ�� (12/28/04)
- $BG/KvG/;O$N%Q!<%H%J!<$r$*5a$a$G$O$J$$$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (01/01/05)
- Joint Committee telecon today 4 January Mike Dean (01/04/05)
- $B%Q%s%W%k%`!<%<(B$BEPO?40N;(B [email protected] (01/05/05)
- $BBg$-$$$N$r!D1|(B$B$^$G!DM_$7$$$N$)!D(B �f�l������ (01/04/05)
- $B@A5a=q(B (no name) (01/05/05)
- $B!Z40A4L5NA![=w$N;R$N(B PR $B$r:\$;$F$^$9!#M_5aITK~(B$B%*%s%j!<$NB(2q$$7?=P2q(B$B$$%3%_%e%K%F%#!<(B [email protected] (01/09/05)
- $B%Q%s%W%k%`!<%<(B$BEPO?40N;(B [email protected] (01/09/05)
- $B%9%$!<%H%V%m%C(B$B%5%`EPO?40N;(B [email protected] (01/10/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 11 January Mike Dean (01/10/05)
- $B%Q%s%W%k%`!<%<(B$B@A5a=q(B [email protected] (01/09/05)
- $B%9%$!<%H%V%m%C(B$B%5%`@A5a=q(B [email protected] (01/10/05)
- $B%Q%s%W%k%`!<%<(B$B@A5a=q(B [email protected] (01/11/05)
- $B%9%$!<%H%V%m%C(B$B%5%`@A5a=q(B [email protected] (01/11/05)
- $B%9%$!<%H%V%m%C(B$B%5%`@A5a=q(B [email protected] (01/12/05)
- belated regrets for Tues. Benjamin Grosof (01/13/05)
- CONGRATULATIONS!!! [email protected] (01/15/05)
- $B;32<9aJf$G$9(B [email protected] (01/18/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 18 January Mike Dean (01/17/05)
- regrets -- have conflict today Benjamin Grosof (01/18/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 25 January Mike Dean (01/24/05)
- belated regrets -- conflict Benjamin Grosof (01/26/05)
- $B$d$P%5%$%H%^%,%8%s(B [email protected] (01/27/05)
- regrets for next telecon Benjamin Grosof (01/28/05)
- $BK\F|$h$j40A4L5NA$G;H$$$?$$J|Bj(B [email protected] (01/29/05)
- $B1J5WE*$K40A4L5NA$G;H$$J|Bj(B [email protected] (01/31/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 1 February Mike Dean (01/31/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow February 8 Mike Dean (02/07/05)
- SWRL expression in a property instance? David Martin (02/11/05)
- my status Mike Dean (02/14/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 February Mike Dean (02/14/05)
- $B$*JV;v3Z$7$_$K$7$F$^$9!#(B [email protected] (02/14/05)
- status of SWRL FOL Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/17/05)
- High rates? Not with us! 3.25 fixed Shannon Stern (02/14/05)
- Re-finance at 3.25 fixed Rowena Schaefer (02/14/05)
- You've been selected for a low rate Selma Oakes (02/14/05)
- You've been selected for a low rate [email protected] (02/14/05)
- Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow Peter F. Patel-Schneider (02/21/05)
- ���n�f�l�����L���l�b�g�A�C�h�� [email protected] (02/21/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 22 February Mike Dean (02/22/05)
- 3.25% rate approval Elwood Powers (02/14/05)
- Notification: We offer 3.25% rates Andre Bright (02/14/05)
- -mail your [email protected] (02/23/05)
- You've been approved at 3.25 Jerrold Rutherford (02/14/05)
- Re-finance at 3.25 fixed Dylan Mobley (02/14/05)
- Rates fixed at 3.25 [email protected] (02/14/05)
- 3.25% rate approval Zelma Frederick (02/14/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (02/27/05)
- $B%P%$%V$G@dD:!*G($l$9$.%^%s%^%s!y(B %C%A (02/27/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 1 March Mike Dean (02/28/05)
- Approved mortage rate Frieda Jordan (02/14/05)
- Rates fixed at 3.25 Margaret Meier (02/14/05)
- Re-finance at 3.25 fixed Carole Abbott (02/14/05)
- You've been approved at 3.25 [email protected] (02/14/05)
- f0Otage can ruin y0ur marriage Walker Marrero (03/05/05)
- W3C Tech Plenary outbrief? Mike Dean (03/06/05)
- High rates? Not with us! 3.25 fixed Carole Prater (02/14/05)
- $B%P%$%V$G@dD:!*G($l$9$.%^%s%^%s!y(B %C%A (03/07/05)
- Rates fixed at 3.25 Stacy Francis (02/14/05)
- Notification: We offer 3.25% rates Brooke Polk (02/14/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 8 March Mike Dean (03/07/05)
- UMBC Semantic Web Reference Card v0.9 Tim Finin (03/08/05)
- Instant low rates Bruno Ash (03/07/05)
- Pre-approved Application #QVGP778 Hal Madrid (03/07/05)
- Notification: We offer low rates Elijah Madden (03/07/05)
- $B:#F|$O%+%i%@$,$&$:$$$A$c$&"v(B B (03/12/05)
- Become a homeowner with low rates Antone Yang (03/07/05)
- Pre-approved Application #QWPVP866 Gerardo Reece (03/07/05)
- Become one of the low rates Velma Soto (03/07/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 15 March Mike Dean (03/15/05)
- $B9b!{%"%J$,$*Gq$j#F#U#C#K"v(B B (03/16/05)
- Pre-approved Application #NYDPAP458 Madelyn Brunson (03/07/05)
- Lowest 3.25 rate approval Cyrus Isaac (03/07/05)
- ��SEX���X�ɔY�ސl�ȃT�[�N����W�̂��ē��� [email protected] (03/19/05)
- Lowest rate approval Suzette Culver (03/07/05)
- ��SEX���X�ɔY�ސl�ȃT�[�N����W�̂��ē��� [email protected] (03/19/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/20/05)
- Notification: We offer low rates Arnold Nash (03/07/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/21/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 March Mike Dean (03/21/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/22/05)
- ���j���݂̂Ȃ��܂ցB�厖�Ȃ��m�点������܂��� [email protected] (03/22/05)
- ���j���݂̂Ȃ��܂ցB�厖�Ȃ��m�点������܂��� [email protected] (03/22/05)
- Test Tiger Rhoades (03/22/05)
- Test Tiger Rhoades (03/22/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/23/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/23/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/23/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/24/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/25/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/26/05)
- ���t�F�`DV�����L���O������ [email protected] (03/26/05)
- �f�l100���錾�I�@���e����NAVI�@ [email protected] (03/27/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 29 March Mike Dean (03/28/05)
- �f�l100���錾�I�@���e����NAVI�@ [email protected] (03/30/05)
- ��SEX���X�ɔY�ސl�ȃT�[�N����W�̂��ē��� [email protected] (03/30/05)
- ��SEX���X�ɔY�ސl�ȃT�[�N����W�̂��ē��� [email protected] (03/30/05)
- ��SEX���X�ɔY�ސl�ȃT�[�N����W�̂��ē��� [email protected] (03/30/05)
- ���j���݂̂Ȃ��܂ցB�厖�Ȃ��m�点������܂��� [email protected] (03/30/05)
- �����ɋQ���邨�������l�Ȃ̂��Љ [email protected] (04/02/05)
- $B!Z40A4L5NA![;H$$$?$$J|Bj$G0B?4$G$9!#(B [email protected] (04/04/05)
- �����ɋQ���邨�������l�Ȃ̂��Љ [email protected] (04/04/05)
- �����ɋQ���邨�������l�Ȃ̂��Љ [email protected] (04/04/05)
- $BH/C#ES>e$NIR46%\%G%#$K0-5:$7$A$c$&!*(B $i$l$k$H%T%/%C!y (04/04/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 5 April Mike Dean (04/04/05)
- �����ɋQ���邨�������l�Ȃ̂��Љ [email protected] (04/05/05)
- est mail [email protected] (04/08/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/09/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/10/05)
- $B!y(B10000$B1_J,L5NA!y(B [email protected] (04/08/05)
- $B!y2D0&$$Ke$,M_$7$/$"$j$^$;$s$+!y �F�B�Љ� (04/10/05)
- Joint Committee telecon today 12 April Mike Dean (04/12/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/12/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/13/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/14/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 19 April Mike Dean (04/18/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/20/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/21/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 26 April Mike Dean (04/25/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/25/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/26/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/28/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (04/29/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (05/01/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 3 May Mike Dean (05/02/05)
- FwD: Your email was blocked [email protected] (05/02/05)
- Your email was blocked [email protected] (05/03/05)
- FwD: Re: [email protected] (05/04/05)
- Your email was blocked [email protected] (05/05/05)
- $B%a!<%k$7$^$7$?!)(B [email protected] (05/05/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (05/05/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 10 May Mike Dean (05/09/05)
- $BK\F|#O#P#E#N!*!!%+%j%S%"%s$GF02h8+J|Bj!* [email protected] (05/10/05)
- $BL5NA(B10000$B1_J,$GM7$s$G$_$h$&!*(B [email protected] (05/10/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (05/12/05)
- Phone:00229 58 21 15 DR ANDOLOS TONY (05/14/05)
- $BB3$C!*A49qKeJg=8%-%c%s%Z!<%s �F�B�Љ� (05/16/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 May Mike Dean (05/16/05)
- $BNY$N!{!{$G$9!&!&!&(B [email protected] (05/21/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 24 May Mike Dean (05/23/05)
- All software - duty-free prices Kendra L.Brown (05/24/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 31 May Mike Dean (05/30/05)
- $BCK=w40A4L5NA$G!* �s���A (06/02/05)
- $B4|4V8BDj!*%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* [email protected] (06/02/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (06/02/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 7 June Mike Dean (06/06/05)
- $BCK=w40A4L5NA$G!* �s���A (06/08/05)
- Adobe Acrobat 6.0 - wholesale price Vanessa J.Smith (06/09/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 14 June Mike Dean (06/13/05)
- �X�N�[�v�I���L���T�|�n�T�C�g�̊Ǘ��҂��o��I15:27:04 sflktru (06/14/05)
- Cialis - "weekend drug"! Richard K.Lee (06/16/05)
- $B#6!?#3#0!JLZ!K$^$G$N4|4V8BDj!*%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* [email protected] (06/17/05)
- $B!ZLLFb7/$,Aw$kFH$j8@(Bvol.23$B![(B B (06/18/05)
- $B4|4V8BDj!*%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* melma! (06/19/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 21 June Mike Dean (06/21/05)
- $B1|MM$N2V1`$KL5NA$4>7BT(B [email protected] (06/24/05)
- $BBg?M8~$1?7%5%$%H$N$40FFb(B [email protected] (06/25/05)
- �S�̌��ԁ������߂������܂��� [email protected] (06/25/05)
- OEM software wholesale savings Adobe, Windows Cliff Gilbert (06/25/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (06/26/05)
- Windows XP Pro $49.95, Office 2003 $69.95 MS 2003 Kate Bright (06/27/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 28 June Mike Dean (06/27/05)
- ��������������8,000���A�N�Z�X�˔j!��������������08:11:59 ctpoo (06/27/05)
- Office software - 75% OFF Vanessa J.Smith (06/27/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (06/28/05)
- 80 % Discount on All Microsoft Titles Helen Waldron (06/28/05)
- �S�̌��ԁ������߂������܂��� [email protected] (07/01/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (07/04/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 5 July Mike Dean (07/04/05)
- $B%a%k!y%^%,(B No.10612 $B!ZFb=o$G!&!&!&!&%M!*![JT(B [email protected] (07/04/05)
- ����W�I�@�Z�t���ƃZ���u�̈Ⴂ��O�ꌟ�I16:15:17 hvwtof (07/05/05)
- Cialis - No prescription needed! Richard K.Lee (07/05/05)
- 0nline software, Download Win XP, Systemworks & others Instantly Debbie Samuels (07/06/05)
- Photoshop CS 8.0 $59.95 Windows Jodie Franks (07/08/05)
- $BITNQ$+$i7k:'$^$G(B [email protected] (07/10/05)
- $BITNQ$+$i7k:'$^$G(B [email protected] (07/11/05)
- Macromedia Studio MX 2004 - wholesale price Vanessa J.Smith (07/12/05)
- $B=w$O#3#0$+$i(B [email protected] (07/13/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (07/13/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (07/15/05)
- $B:#Lk8BDj!*F02h%J%S$G%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* melma Service (07/16/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (07/16/05)
- $B:#F|$bL@F|$bL@8eF|$bB`6~$H$N@o$$ miyoko (07/16/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (07/17/05)
- $B=w@-M%@h!ACK@-@hCeDj0w@)(B$B!*40A4L5NA!*CK=w$NNx0&(B$B%W%m%G%e!<%9!!!ZNx%^%,-b(B 11645 $B![(B [email protected] (07/18/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 19 July Mike Dean (07/18/05)
- ���߂łƂ��������܂��yFREE�m��z [email protected] (07/18/05)
- ���߂łƂ��������܂��yFREE�m��z [email protected] (07/19/05)
- ���߂łƂ��������܂��yFREE�m��z [email protected] (07/20/05)
- ���߂łƂ��������܂��yFREE�m��z [email protected] (07/21/05)
- $B$*J,$+$j$K$J$j$^$9$G$7$g$&$+!)ON2JH~CR;R$G$9!#(B make-love (07/22/05)
- MS Office 2003 Pro $69.95 Windows Faye Cramer (07/23/05)
- Popular pills - low price Richard K.Lee (07/23/05)
- 80 % Discount on All Win XP Titles Helen Hines (07/23/05)
- $B5Z@nF`(BO$B$,#W%U%'%i$+$iBgMp8r(B $B% (07/24/05)
- Re:Re:Re: [email protected] (07/24/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 26 July Mike Dean (07/25/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (07/25/05)
- RE: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 26 July -- SWRL RuleML David Z. Hirtle (07/26/05)
- Re:$B@hF|$N7o$G(B [email protected] (07/26/05)
- $B:#Lk8BDj!*F02h%J%S$G%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* MailMagazine 2005/07 623692465352 (07/26/05)
- XP software for 80 % 0ff Donovan Sheehan (07/28/05)
- Photoshop CS2 9.0 $69.95 Office XP Melanie Mccauley (07/28/05)
- Finally, you can afford software by XP Win XP & Adobe Homer Moss (07/28/05)
- $B@hF|$OM-Fq$&8f:B$$$^$7$?(Bm(_ _)m [email protected] (07/29/05)
- $BBN$NIU$-9g$$$,A0Ds$G$9$1$I2F$i$7$$;v$b ayaka (07/30/05)
- $B0MMj%a!<%k(B [email protected] (07/30/05)
- Photoshop CS2 9.0 $69.95 Windows Nadine Greene (07/31/05)
- $B:#Lk8BDj!*F02h%J%S$G%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* MailMagazine 2005/07 623692465352 (07/31/05)
- $BA02s$N7o!"0z$-B3$-$h$m$7$/$*4j$$$7$^$9!#(B [email protected] (08/01/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 2 August Mike Dean (08/01/05)
- $B=w$O#3#0$+$i(B [email protected] (08/02/05)
- $B$4L5:;BA$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (08/02/05)
- $BBN$NIU$-9g$$$,A0Ds$G$9$1$I2F$i$7$$;v$b ayaka (08/03/05)
- $B0z$-B3$-$h$m$7$/$*4j$$$7$^$9!#(B [email protected] (08/03/05)
- $BBN$NIU$-9g$$$,A0Ds$G$9$1$I2F$i$7$$;v$b ayaka (08/04/05)
- $B=5Kv2q$($^$;$s$+!)M=Dj$"(B$B$j$^$9$+!)J?F|$NLk$O$I(B$B$&$G$7$g$&$+!)(B [email protected] (08/04/05)
- $B$4L5:;BA$7$F$$$^$9(B [email protected] (08/05/05)
- $B0z$-B3$-$h$m$7$/$*4j$$$7$^$9!#(B [email protected] (08/06/05)
- $B$?$$$X$s$4L5:;BA$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B lavieen-rose (08/06/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (08/06/05)
- $B$4L5:;BA$7$F$$$^$9(B [email protected] (08/07/05)
- $B0MMj%a!<%k(B [email protected] (08/07/05)
- $B$3$N2FNI$$Nx$7$F$^$9$+!)(B$B$A$c$s$H2q$($F$^$9$+!)(B$B5.J}$N6a=j$K$3$s$J;R$,!&!&!&(B [email protected] (08/07/05)
- $B0MMj%a!<%k(B [email protected] (08/07/05)
- $BK\Ev$K=P2q$($k$N$+IT0B$G$9!# makiko (08/07/05)
- $B0MMj%a!<%k(B [email protected] (08/07/05)
- $B0MMj%a!<%k(B [email protected] (08/08/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 9 August Mike Dean (08/08/05)
- ����Ƃ�� jqginqx7 (08/08/05)
- m(^^)m [email protected] (08/08/05)
- $B:#Lk8BDj!*F02h%J%S$G%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* MailMagazine 2005/07 623692465352 (08/12/05)
- $B$"$N<L$^$@$b$C$F$k!)!)(B $B;32(08/14/05)
- $B=EMW9`L\$,7gMn$7$F$*$j$^$7$?0Y!":FAw$5$;$FD:$-$^$9!#(B perfection (08/14/05)
- $B$"$J$?$O$I$&;W$$$^$9$+!)(B lavieen-rose (08/14/05)
- Re: OEM MS 2003, Macromedia, & Microsoft on $ale Now Ursula Ferreira (08/15/05)
- $B$3$3%A%'%C%/$C$?!)(B $B%+%*%j%s!y(B (08/15/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 16 August Mike Dean (08/15/05)
- $B$?$$$X$s$4L5:;BA$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B lavieen-rose (08/16/05)
- $B:#Lk8BDj!*F02h%J%S$G%`!<%S!<8+J|Bj!* News Magazine 2005/08 (08/17/05)
- $B5.J}$N6a=j$K$3$s$JAGE($J(B$B=w@-$,$$$k$J$s$F!&!&!&(B$B40A4L5NA$G$40FFb!*(B [email protected] (08/17/05)
- $B$?$$$X$s$4L5:;BA$7$F$*$j$^$9!#(B lavieen-rose (08/18/05)
- Only limted Seats for Flight Attendant and Tourism Program Eton College Canada (08/18/05)
- $B=w$O#3#0$+$i(B [email protected] (08/18/05)
- Cialis - LOW price! Richard K.Lee (08/19/05)
- Huge $avings on ALL best-selling MS 2003 titles Clarissa Cannon (08/20/05)
- ���߂łƂ��������܂��yFREE�m��z [email protected] (08/20/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/20/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B% (08/21/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B% (08/21/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/21/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/21/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B% (08/21/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/22/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (08/22/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/22/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 August Mike Dean (08/22/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B% (08/22/05)
- $B!Z%K%e!<%9![AG?MF02h%5%$%H??2F$NBg9??e!* Weekly News (08/22/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/22/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/22/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/23/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B% (08/23/05)
- (@_@;)������ yrmekwmghg4 (08/23/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/23/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (08/24/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/24/05)
- $B$4L5:;BA$7$F$*$j$^$9!#CY$/$J$j$^$7$?!#(B B (08/24/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B% (08/24/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B% (08/25/05)
- $BBN$N$*IU$-9g$$A0Ds$G$9!# rina (08/25/05)
- $B2q$($F$^$9$+!)%"%I%l%9J9(B$B$1$^$7$?$+!)Nx0&$7$F$^(B$B$9$+!)K~B-EY(B 120 $B!s!&!&!&40A4L5NA$G$40FFb!*(B [email protected] (08/25/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (08/25/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (08/25/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/26/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (08/26/05)
- MS Office 2003 Pro $69.95 Windows Katina Brown (08/26/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/27/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (08/27/05)
- ��͕�����̐����ɂȂ�Э�è�ł� ^Z^;)�q�m�L (08/27/05)
- $BF}%G%+%9%1%Y=w%3%9%W%l%.%c%i%j!<(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/27/05)
- $B;O$^$C$?$N$O%*%J%K!<$G$"$C$?(B $B%J%?!<%7%c(B (08/27/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/27/05)
- AV$B$h$j%G%#!<%W5f6K%(%m%`!<%S!<(B $B%^%i%$%d(B (08/27/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B%J%?!<%7%c(B (08/27/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/28/05)
- $B%U%l%C%7%e$J%.%c%kAG?M%O%a;#$jN9(B $B%^%i%$%d(B (08/28/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/28/05)
- $BF}%G%+%9%1%Y=w%3%9%W%l%.%c%i%j!<(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/28/05)
- $B;O$^$C$?$N$O%*%J%K!<$G$"$C$?(B $B%^%i%$%d(B (08/28/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/28/05)
- $B2q$($F$^$9$+!)%"%I%l%9J9(B$B$1$^$7$?$+!)Nx0&$7$F$^(B$B$9$+!)K~B-EY(B 120 $B!s!&!&!&40A4L5NA$G$40FFb!*(B [email protected] (08/28/05)
- AV$B$h$j%G%#!<%W5f6K%(%m%`!<%S!<(B $B%J%?!<%7%c(B (08/29/05)
- $B0JA0$N$*OC$NB3$-$G$9$,(B B (08/29/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/29/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/29/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 30 August Mike Dean (08/29/05)
- $B%U%l%C%7%e$J%.%c%kAG?M%O%a;#$jN9(B $B%J%?!<%7%c(B (08/29/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%^%i%$%d(B (08/29/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (08/29/05)
- $BF}%G%+%9%1%Y=w%3%9%W%l%.%c%i%j!<(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/29/05)
- $B;O$^$C$?$N$O%*%J%K!<$G$"$C$?(B $B%J%?!<%7%c(B (08/29/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/30/05)
- AV$B$h$j%G%#!<%W5f6K%(%m%`!<%S!<(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (08/30/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/30/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/30/05)
- $B%U%l%C%7%e$J%.%c%kAG?M%O%a;#$jN9(B $B%^%i%$%d(B (08/30/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%J%?!<%7%c(B (08/30/05)
- Popular pills - low price Richard K.Lee (08/30/05)
- $BF}%G%+%9%1%Y=w%3%9%W%l%.%c%i%j!<(B $B%^%i%$%d(B (08/30/05)
- $B;O$^$C$?$N$O%*%J%K!<$G$"$C$?(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/31/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (08/31/05)
- AV$B$h$j%G%#!<%W5f6K%(%m%`!<%S!<(B $B%8%'%7%+(B (08/31/05)
- ��̓L���o��̐����ɂȂ�Э�è�ł� ���: (08/31/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (08/31/05)
- �ċx�ݍŌ�̃`�����X�I berpvmnss9 (08/31/05)
- $B%U%l%C%7%e$J%.%c%kAG?M%O%a;#$jN9(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (09/01/05)
- ���F�̌���������ďW ������^m^ (09/01/05)
- $B#E%+%C%W5pF}$NAG?MC;Bg@8(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (09/02/05)
- $B$b$&!"BT$F$^$;$s!&!&!&(B $B%_%5%-(B (09/02/05)
- $BF}%G%+%9%1%Y=w%3%9%W%l%.%c%i%j!<(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (09/03/05)
- �y�o�c�C�`�����z���W���N���u�T�C�g����̂��ē� [email protected] (09/03/05)
- $B;O$^$C$?$N$O%*%J%K!<$G$"$C$?(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (09/04/05)
- $B$A$g$C$H<*4s$j(BH$B>pJs6I(B $B63;R(B (09/05/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 6 September Mike Dean (09/05/05)
- �y�o�c�C�`�����z���W���N���u�T�C�g����̂��ē� [email protected] (09/06/05)
- AV$B$h$j%G%#!<%W5f6K%(%m%`!<%S!<(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (09/06/05)
- $B$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9(B $B;0>e0=9a(B (09/07/05)
- $B0&1U$N@w$_IU$$$?Gr0a%3%l%/%7%g%s(B $B%V%j%C%H%K(B (09/07/05)
- �d�Ԓj�̘b�ɂ͑������������E�E�E�H ofvpv4 (09/08/05)
- $B5W$7$V$j!<!#(B [email protected] (09/08/05)
- �o�^����O�ɒ��������ăA�|����܂��傤 �l��(^�x^)-�� (09/08/05)
- $BNc$N%Z!<%8$K$D$$$F(B $BNC;R (09/08/05)
- $B$*BT$?$;$7$F?=$7Lu$4$6$$$^$;$s!#(B B (09/09/05)
- $B%*%9%9%a(BGirls $B!*(B [email protected] (09/09/05)
- $B%U%l%C%7%e$J%.%c%kAG?M%O%a;#$jN9(B $B$ (09/09/05)
- $BKe7O>/=w$_$J$_(B $B$_$J$_(B (09/10/05)
- $BLdEzL5MQ$G%O%a(B $B#E%+%C%WAG?MC;Bg@8(B (09/10/05)
- $BD6%G%#!<%W$J5f6K%(%m%`!<%S!<(B $BM30a(B (09/10/05)
- $B5pF}$rMI$i$79x$r?6$jMp$9(B RIRIKO (09/10/05)
- (no subject) Israel Israel (09/11/05)
- $BF}%G%+%9%1%Y=w%3%9%W%l%.%c%i%j(B $B$^$f$i(B (09/11/05)
- $B!J!1!A!1!K&N(B $B?y;30&H~(B (09/11/05)
- $B=wFs?MCK;0?M#5#P(B $B%J!<%9%3%9%W%l(B (09/11/05)
- $B$"$N%Z!<%8$G$9$1$I(B $BNC;R (09/11/05)
- (no subject) Shifflett Cynthia (09/11/05)
- (no subject) Willis Matt (09/11/05)
- (no subject) Pavlusenko Maxim (09/12/05)
- (no subject) Roberts John (09/12/05)
- Viagra - No prescription needed! Richard K.Lee (09/12/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 13 September Mike Dean (09/12/05)
- (no subject) Antjasov Andrei (09/13/05)
- $B$=$N8e$O$$$+$,$*2a$4$7$G$9$+!#(B B (09/13/05)
- $B2hA|8x3+Cf(B [email protected] (09/13/05)
- (no subject) Boskovic Nemanja (09/13/05)
- $B$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9(B $B;0>e0=9a(B (09/13/05)
- (no subject) Etchepare Martha (09/13/05)
- (no subject) Kroitor Mihail (09/14/05)
- �y�o�c�C�`�����z���W���N���u�T�C�g����̂��ē� [email protected] (09/14/05)
- (no subject) Feigelman Eli (09/14/05)
- (no subject) Winoto Ang (09/14/05)
- (no subject) Abbruzzi Isabella (09/14/05)
- (no subject) Jeremic Rade (09/14/05)
- (no subject) Hinds Scott (09/14/05)
- $B!y2q0w8BDj!y5.J}$N$46a=j(B$B$G9%$_$N0[@-C5$7$^$;$s(B$B$+!)K\J*$N=P2q$$$O%3%3(B$B$+$i$O$8$^$k!*!Z40A4L5(B$BNA$H$J$C$F$^$9!*![(B [email protected] (09/15/05)
- (no subject) Withrow Chris (09/15/05)
- (no subject) Hard Bobbo (09/15/05)
- (no subject) Mavros Yiannis (09/15/05)
- (no subject) Rafique Kamran (09/15/05)
- �y�o�c�C�`�����z���W���N���u�T�C�g����̂��ē� [email protected] (09/15/05)
- Re:Re:���ڕԐM�������ˁB [email protected] (09/16/05)
- �����Ėl�͑��́w�d�Ԓj�x�ɂȂ����̂ł� ysgfjqhc2 (09/16/05)
- �����Ėl�͑��́w�d�Ԓj�x�ɂȂ����̂ł� rlppxi2 (09/16/05)
- �i�����������ł͂Ȃ����B�`���b�g�⓮���H���I [email protected] (09/16/05)
- (no subject) Kingsley Andreas (09/16/05)
- $BM-Fq$&8f:B$$$^$9(B [email protected] (09/17/05)
- $B$*BT$?$;$7$F?=$7Lu$4$6$$$^$;$s!#(B B (09/17/05)
- $B$"$j$,$H$&%M(Bv(^^)v [email protected] (09/17/05)
- $B!Z%K%e!<%9![AG?MF02h%5%$%H??2F$NBg9?(B$B?e!*(B Weekly News (09/18/05)
- (no subject) Ryan Alan (09/18/05)
- Acrobat Pro 7.0 $69.95 Windows XP Erica Schultz (09/18/05)
- (no subject) Winkler Rubin (09/19/05)
- (no subject) Mahoney Luke (09/19/05)
- $B=5KvM=Dj$O!)(B [email protected] (09/19/05)
- (no subject) Dennis Tara (09/19/05)
- $B$h$m$7$+$C$?$G$9$+!)(B $B@iLn$+$J$_(B (09/19/05)
- $B$43NG'$/$@$5$$(B [email protected] (09/19/05)
- �y�d�v�z�厊�}���肢���܂� [email protected] (09/19/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 20 September Mike Dean (09/19/05)
- HELLO FROM MUSA KERE URGENT REPLY PLS musa_kere01 (09/20/05)
- $B$*BT$?$;CW$7$^$7$?(Bm(_ _)m [email protected] (09/20/05)
- $B=5KvM=Dj$O!)(B [email protected] (09/20/05)
- $B%3%_%e%K%F%#$N$40FFb(B $B#M%J%S(B (09/20/05)
- $B!y2q0w8BDj!y5.J}$N$46a=j(B$B$G9%$_$N0[@-C5$7$^$;$s(B$B$+!)K\J*$N=P2q$$$O%3%3(B$B$+$i$O$8$^$k!*!Z40A4L5(B$BNA$H$J$C$F$^$9!*![(B [email protected] (09/20/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (09/21/05)
- $B!yI,8+!y#1#0#0!sL5NA%`!<%S!<J|=PCf!*(B B (09/21/05)
- $B%3%_%e%K%F%#$N$40FFb(B $B#M%J%S(B (09/22/05)
- $BK\Ev$G$9(Bm(_ _)m [email protected] (09/22/05)
- $B$"$j$,$H$&%M(Bv(^^)v [email protected] (09/22/05)
- (no subject) Montoya Veronica (09/23/05)
- (no subject) Hutchison Jeffry (09/23/05)
- (no subject) $B$^$-(B (09/23/05)
- �֒f�̗����y���������z�V���[�Y sdrl1 (09/23/05)
- $B:4F#$G$9!#$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (09/23/05)
- $BFCJLM%BT$40FFb!*Js=7#2#5K|"(I,FI"((B B (09/23/05)
- $B!Z=EMW$J$*CN$i$;![(B [email protected] (09/23/05)
- $B$4B8CN$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (09/24/05)
- (no subject) Hamm Clifford (09/24/05)
- $BA0!9$+$i;W$C$F$$$?$N$G$9$,(B [email protected] (09/24/05)
- (no subject) $B$^$-(B (09/24/05)
- $BEA8@M-$j$^$7$?!#(B [email protected] (09/23/05)
- �u�����b�ɂȂ��Ă���܂��I [email protected] (09/25/05)
- $B8BDjAG?MF02h(B BINFO (09/25/05)
- (no subject) Vetsko Irakli (09/25/05)
- $B59$7$$$G$7$g$&$+!)(B [email protected] (09/25/05)
- (no subject) Vermeulen Inge (09/25/05)
- Delivery Ladies Club$B!XK1Q`!YBeI=!"=':jN60l$H?=$7$^$9!#(B B (09/25/05)
- $B?=$7Lu8f:B$$$^$;$s$G$7$?!#(B [email protected] (09/25/05)
- ���肪�Ƃ��lv(^^)v [email protected] (09/25/05)
- $B"!%3%$%H%b$,(BNO.1$B$NM}M3"!(B B (09/25/05)
- $B$^$:$OBN83!*!*!!$*$?$a$7L5NA!*!*(B B (09/25/05)
- $B$4B8CN$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (09/26/05)
- ���₢���킹�̌��ɂ��� [email protected] (09/26/05)
- $B!y!z!yFCJL$40FFb!y!z!y(B [email protected] (09/26/05)
- (no subject) Naquin Vernon (09/26/05)
- (no subject) Young Patience (09/26/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 27 September Mike Dean (09/26/05)
- $B%R%m%7$G$9!&!&!&(B makelove (09/26/05)
- (no subject) Pauyo Marjolly (09/27/05)
- $B$"$N?M5$#A#V=wM%$H%D!<%7%g%C%H!*(B B (09/27/05)
- Adobe Photoshop 8.0 - wholesale price Jennifer A.Clark (09/27/05)
- (no subject) Braun Sam (09/27/05)
- (no subject) Lee Oliver (09/27/05)
- Re: OEM XP Pro, XP Pro, & Adobe on $ale Now Lois Reaves (09/27/05)
- (no subject) Wright Brandon (09/28/05)
- $B"(%M%C%H;:6H$K$*$1$kD4::$H%"%s%1!<%H$N$*4j$$(B perfection (09/28/05)
- (no subject) $B$^$-(B (09/28/05)
- $B!y!zMxMQ!&EPO?$J$IA4ItL5NA!y!z(B [email protected] (09/28/05)
- 100%������Ă���B�����͕\�����֎~�ł��� <+ ))><< (09/28/05)
- $B%a!<%k$4L5:;BA$7$A$c$C$F$4$a$s$J$5$$(B(>_<) $B$f$+$j$s!y(B (09/29/05)
- (no subject) Stewart (09/29/05)
- $B9TF0$7$J$$$H2?$b;O$^$j$^$;$s$h"v(B [email protected] (09/29/05)
- �y�ŐV�ŁF�����҂�SEX���W�z���ƕ���̂Ȃ�SEX������Ȃ�y�l�b�g�Œj����I�z zerkllcktx6 (09/29/05)
- (no subject) Rocky (09/30/05)
- Huge $avings on ALL best-selling XP Pro titles Jennifer Jimenez (09/30/05)
- $B=EMW!ZJb9gJs=7@)EY![$N$*CN$i$;(B venusnet work (09/30/05)
- <<<<<$B40A4L5NA>R2p=j(B>>>>> [email protected] (10/01/05)
- $B%a%C%;!<%8$r<u?.$7$^$7$?!#(B [email protected] (10/01/05)
- $B40A4L5NA$G0B?4!y3N<B"v(B [email protected] (10/01/05)
- $B$*4j$$$7$^$9$M(B $B2q$$$?$$$M(B (10/02/05)
- $B6H3&N"OC(B makelove (10/02/05)
- $BM-Fq$&8f:B$$$^$9(B [email protected] (10/02/05)
- $B!Z=EMW![:#0lHV?M5$$N!D(B adolescence (10/02/05)
- MS Office 2003 Pro $69.95 Symantec Branden Cote (10/02/05)
- $B$*Aa$a$K$*4j$$CW$7$^$9(Bm(_ _)m [email protected] (10/02/05)
- $B!V$^$?$^$?N.=P!*!)>.@t%-!{%j$A$c$s$NHkB"F02h!W(B [email protected] (10/03/05)
- $B9b3[@hJ'$$5U1g=u3NDjOH$r3NJ]CW$7$^$7$?(B [email protected] (10/03/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (10/03/05)
- $B!Z=EMW![Bg;j5^$*4j$$$7$^$9(B [email protected] (10/03/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 October Mike Dean (10/03/05)
- $B$3$NLdBjJ,$+$j$^$9$+!)(B [email protected] (10/04/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (10/04/05)
- (no subject) $B$^$-(B (10/04/05)
- $B%a!<%k$4L5:;BA$7$A$c$C$F$4$a$s$J$5$$(B(>_<) $B$f$+$j$s!y(B (10/04/05)
- $B%a%"%IJQ99$7$^$7$?$!!A!z(B [email protected] (10/05/05)
- Fw: Re: $BL5NA(B(^o^$B"v(B $BCN9a(B (10/05/05)
- $B9b3[@hJ'$$%5%]!<%H3NDjOH$r3NJ]CW$7$^$7$?(B adolescence (10/05/05)
- $B!y4|4V1dD9!y40A4L5NA!yF02hJ|=PCf!y(B preciousplace (10/05/05)
- Viagra - 75% OFF Paul A.Davis (10/05/05)
- <<<$B;j5^(B>>> [email protected] (10/06/05)
- $B@-B(A^!*Aa5;!*(B ���������Ȃ��ɁE�E�E (10/06/05)
- (no subject) Powell Aaron (10/06/05)
- $B$*Ld$$9g$o$;$N7o$K$D$$$F(B [email protected] (10/06/05)
- <<<<<$B40A4L5NA>R2p=j(B>>>>> [email protected] (10/06/05)
- $B%a%C%;!<%8$r<u?.$7$^$7$?!#(B [email protected] (10/07/05)
- $B!Z8BDj![#N#E#W#S(B [email protected] (10/07/05)
- <<<<<$B40A4L5NA>R2p=j(B>>>>> [email protected] (10/07/05)
- [ ���_�l ] ���W�F��w���t�T�[�N���ˉ\�̐^����T�� vrj5 (10/07/05)
- $B%O%a;#$j$G$S$e!A!!!J!0"<!0!K(B [email protected] (10/07/05)
- $B%a!<%k$4L5:;BA$7$A$c$C$F$4$a$s$J$5$$(B(>_<) $B$f$+$j$s!y(B (10/08/05)
- $B5U1g=u3NDjOH3NJ]>pJs(B [email protected] (10/08/05)
- $B0B?4!y3N<B!yB.Js(B [email protected] (10/08/05)
- $B!V$^$?$^$?N.=P!*!)>.@t%-!{%j$A$c$s$NHkB"F02h!W(B [email protected] (10/09/05)
- $B<B$j$N=)(B!! $BFCA*%i%s%-%s%0$G7h$^$j(B!! [email protected] (10/09/05)
- $BG3$($F$k%*%s%J$NL<C#$rAj<j$KJ3@o$@(B !! [email protected] (10/09/05)
- $BF~2q6b!&EPO?NA$J$I0l@Z$+$+$j$^$;$s(B [email protected] (10/09/05)
- (no subject) $B$^$-(B (10/10/05)
- $B$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (10/10/05)
- $B$9$3$9$3!y(BNIGHT [email protected] (10/10/05)
- $B$*Hh$lMM$G$7$?(B [email protected] (10/10/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (10/10/05)
- (no subject) Corcoran Zane (10/10/05)
- $B4|4V8BDj!&?M?t8BDj!ZFCJL![$40FFb(B [email protected] (10/10/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 11 October Mike Dean (10/10/05)
- <<<<<$B40A4L5NA>R2p=j(B>>>>> [email protected] (10/11/05)
- $B%a!<%k$4L5:;BA$7$A$c$C$F$4$a$s$J$5$$(B(>_<) $B$f$+$j$s!y(B (10/11/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (10/11/05)
- $B$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (10/11/05)
- $B$*Ld$$9g$o$;$N7o$K$D$$$F(B [email protected] (10/12/05)
- Fw: $B;j5^3NG'$7$F2<$5$$(B [email protected] (10/12/05)
- yIm[z���Ƥ���ܷI [email protected] (10/12/05)
- $B$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (10/12/05)
- Re[8]: hi! Rutledge Cleveland (10/12/05)
- $B%a!<%k$4L5:;BA$7$A$c$C$F$4$a$s$J$5$$(B(>_<) $B$f$+$j$s!y(B (10/13/05)
- (no subject) [email protected] (10/13/05)
- Re[2]: Hello! Horn Chuck (10/13/05)
- :* $B!&!,!,!&(B *:. $B!#(B . . $B!#(B .:* $B!&!,:#$N<+J,$KK~B-$7$F(B$B$^$9$+!)?MNx$7$$5(@a!"(B$B=<<B$7$?F|!9$r2a$4$7$F$$$^$9$+!)(B :* $B!&!,!,!&(B *:. $B!#(B . . $B!#(B .:* $B!&!,(B [email protected] (10/14/05)
- $B4|4V8BDj!&?M?t8BDj!ZFCJL![$40FFb(B [email protected] (10/14/05)
- ���Ƥ���ܷI [email protected] (10/14/05)
- $B!y!zMxMQ!&EPO?$J$IA4ItL5NA!y!z(B [email protected] (10/14/05)
- $B!y!z!yFCJL$4M%BT!y!z!y9b3[Js=7!y!z!y(B [email protected] (10/14/05)
- ���Ƥ���ܷI [email protected] (10/14/05)
- �y�ƊE�l�����z�C���T�C�_�[���E���b�y�v�����n�t���T�C�g�z tgof8 (10/15/05)
- (no subject) $B$^$-(B (10/15/05)
- <<<<<$B40A4L5NA>R2p=j(B>>>>> [email protected] (10/16/05)
- ��o�L^II35~̨�t�� [email protected] (10/16/05)
- yocC`�z�W�NuTCg��̲�� [email protected] (10/16/05)
- 0nline software, Download AutoCAD, Adobe, Windows & others Instantly Amanda Hines (10/17/05)
- $B%*%6%o%R%m%7$G$9!"$*@$OC$K$J$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (10/17/05)
- $B$^$:$O!&!&!&(B [email protected] (10/17/05)
- $B=E$/9M$($J$$$N$,(BGood [email protected] (10/17/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 18 October Mike Dean (10/17/05)
- $B=EMW(B<$B;j5^(B> [email protected] (10/18/05)
- $B=EMW(B<$B;j5^(B> [email protected] (10/18/05)
- $BF~2q6b!&EPO?NA$J$I0l@Z$+$+$j$^$;$s(B [email protected] (10/18/05)
- $B=w@-$N<L??B??t8x3+Cf!*(B [email protected] (10/19/05)
- �S�����y�l�ȁz���������o��T�[�N���̂��ē� [email protected] (10/19/05)
- $B!X=K(B !!10 $B7n(B$B$O4{$K%+%C%W%k(B 100 $BAHCB@8(B !! $B!Y(B [email protected] (10/20/05)
- $B9b3[@hJ'$$5U1g=u3NDjOH$r3NJ]CW$7$^$7$?(B [email protected] (10/20/05)
- $B%a!<%k$4L5:;BA$7$A$c$C$F$4$a$s$J$5$$(B(>_<) $B$f$+$j$s!y(B (10/20/05)
- $B=w@-$N<L??B??t8x3+Cf!*(B [email protected] (10/20/05)
- �y�ŐV�ŁF�����҂�SEX���W�z���ƕ���̂Ȃ�SEX������Ȃ�y�l�b�g�Œj����I�z mnvoza4 (10/21/05)
- $BFCJLM%BT$40FFb!*Js=7#2#5K|!yI,FI!y(B miyashita (10/21/05)
- $BM-Fq$&8f:B$$$^$9(B [email protected] (10/22/05)
- $B=w@-$N<L??B??t8x3+Cf!*(B [email protected] (10/22/05)
- $B=E$/9M$($J$$$N$,(BGood [email protected] (10/22/05)
- $BFCJLM%BT$40FFb!*Js=7#2#5K|!yI,FI!y(B Vega (10/22/05)
- $B?M:J1g!{CDCO$N=8CD=P2q$$(B ���������ĉ����� (10/22/05)
- <<<<<$B40A4L5NA>R2p=j(B>>>>> [email protected] (10/22/05)
- $B=w@-$N<L??B??t8x3+Cf!*(B [email protected] (10/22/05)
- $B%U%j!<%"%I%l%9(B B (10/23/05)
- $B5U1g=u3NDjOH3NJ]>pJs(B [email protected] (10/23/05)
- $B=E$/9M$($J$$$N$,(BGood [email protected] (10/23/05)
- ����̌��A�������܂��B ovqfmz4 (10/23/05)
- $B=w@-$N<L??B??t8x3+Cf!*(B [email protected] (10/24/05)
- Macromedia Studio MX 2004 - 75% OFF Jennifer A.Clark (10/24/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 25 October Mike Dean (10/25/05)
- $B$*BT$A$I$&$5$^(B [email protected] (10/25/05)
- $B$*Ld$$9g$o$;$N7o$K$D$$$F(B [email protected] (10/26/05)
- $BB>$G$O(B100$B!s8+$k;v$,=PMh$^$;$s!Z8D?MN.=P![(B [email protected] (10/26/05)
- $B2q0w8BDj%5!<%S%9$N$*CN$i$;(B [email protected] (10/27/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 15 November Mike Dean (11/15/05)
- SWRL levels Mike Dean (11/15/05)
- $B9b3[@hJ'$$%5%]!<%H3NDjOH$r3NJ]CW$7$^$7$?(B Dream (11/15/05)
- $BK\Ev$K9%$-$G$9$+!)(B miki (11/15/05)
- $B=5Kv<RD9$G0BDj<}F~"M<Z6bJV:Q"ML5<Z6b!*!*(B [email protected] (11/16/05)
- $B$h$m$7$/$*4j$$$7$^$9!#(B [email protected] (11/16/05)
- $B%a!<%k8+$?$h"v(B [email protected] (11/16/05)
- $B:F3NG'$G$9(B [email protected] (11/16/05)
- $B!y%M%C%H;:6H$K$*$1$kD4::$H%"%s%1!<%H$N$*4j$$(B monmon (11/16/05)
- Fw: $B%R%_%D$G$9$h(B secret_club (11/16/05)
- $B$J$s$G$b$9$k$N$G$4HS$*$4$C$F2<$5$$(B--------^( ToT)^ [email protected] (11/17/05)
- 100's of titles by Win XP Windows & XP Pro starting @ 9.99 Debbie Polk (11/17/05)
- $BFCJLM%BT$40FFb!*Js=7#2#5K|!yI,FI!y(B miyashita (11/17/05)
- $B@$$NCf%[%9%H%V!<%`!)(B [email protected] (11/18/05)
- $BL$>5Bz9-9p"((B (11/18/05)
- Hi David Johnie (11/18/05)
- $B%5%$%H$+$i$N$*CN$i$;$G$9(B yuka (11/19/05)
- ���q���狽�V���[���E�E�E������ĉ��H tcot1 (11/19/05)
- �G�b�`�̂�����͂Q�O�����炢�H����܂����H [email protected] (11/20/05)
- ���߂܂��ăG�~�i21�ł��B�V�їF�B��W�ł��I [email protected] (11/20/05)
- $B?4$b4($$$h!JN^(B aika (11/20/05)
- ���߂܂��ăG�~�i21�ł��B�V�їF�B��W�ł��I [email protected] (11/21/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 November Mike Dean (11/21/05)
- (no subject) yuki (11/21/05)
- $B!zCK@-%[%9%H6[5^Jg=8(B!!25$BK|%W%l%<%s%H!z(B akitoshi (11/21/05)
- $BL$>5Bz9-9p"((B AYU (11/22/05)
- =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCJDRFdkEqJE4zTkcnJWEhPCVrJHIwSkEwQXc/LiQ3JD8kTiRHJDkkLCEiME1BMzNORyckLCReJEA8aCRsJF4kOyRzISM7ajVeJDQzTkcnNGokKCReJDkkKyEpJGgkbSQ3JC8kKjRqJCQkNyReJDkbKEI=?= [email protected] (11/22/05)
- $BCN$C$F$^$7$?$+!)(B STAR (11/23/05)
- $B"!<UNi6b(B144$BK|1_$4MQ0U$7$^$7$?"!(B Perfection (11/24/05)
- $BFCA*F02h(B [email protected] (11/24/05)
- Adobe Photoshop 8.0 - wholesale price Vanessa J.Smith (11/25/05)
- ����������������������������������19:34:07������������������������������������ iyw9 (11/25/05)
- $B!y!z!y9b3[Js=7!y!z!y(B [email protected] (11/25/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 13 December Mike Dean (12/13/05)
- (no subject) yukie (12/13/05)
- ���m�点�Ł[���I�I [email protected] (12/13/05)
- $B$^$@A4A3B-$j$J$$$h$)!A!A!A(B^( ToT)^ B (12/13/05)
- $BL$>5Bz9-9p"((B kanami (12/14/05)
- �N���X�}�X�X�y�V���� qjerav6 (12/14/05)
- Happe$B!*%/%j%9%^%9(B! [email protected] (12/14/05)
- $B3'MM$K$*CN$i$;(B [email protected] (12/14/05)
- Rolex for $249.95 Steven A.Norman (12/14/05)
- (no subject) yukie (12/15/05)
- $B?7%5!<%S%9$N$4O"Mm(B [email protected] (12/15/05)
- $BCT=w$+$i$N%5%]!<%H%i%$%U(B [email protected] (12/16/05)
- WEB$B2q0w8BDj$N?7%5!<%S%9EP>l$G$9!*(B [email protected] (12/16/05)
- $BC5$7$^$7$?$h!#(B B (12/17/05)
- $B>/$7JQ$($F$_$^$;$s!)(B miki (12/17/05)
- $B;UAv$N:GCf!"$*Hh$lMM$G$9!#(B aay (12/17/05)
- $B?7%5!<%S%9$N$4O"Mm(B [email protected] (12/18/05)
- $B$J$s$@$m(B [email protected] (12/18/05)
- Elite watches - LOW price! Steven A.Norman (12/18/05)
- $B8BDjAG?MF02h(B BINFO (12/19/05)
- Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 20 December Mike Dean (12/19/05)
- X'mas$B$O$b$&4V6a(B [email protected] (12/19/05)
- $B855$=P$7$F$M(B mm_loversgods (12/19/05)
- $BK\Ev$K4($/$J$C$F$-$^$7$?$M(B [email protected] (12/19/05)
- $B2q0w8BDj%5!<%S%9$N$*CN$i$;$G$9!*?MNx(B$B$7$$5(@a$K(B [email protected] (12/20/05)
- $B!X=iBPLL#S#E#X:GM%@h$NBg?M$NHkL)2q9g!Y3+:EJs9p(B [email protected] (12/20/05)
- Thousands of academic software titles, 80% off, Instant Download Norah Sweet (12/21/05)
- ���C���H tpv9 (12/21/05)
- $B2q0w8BDj%5!<%S%9$N$*CN$i$;$G$9!*?MNx(B$B$7$$5(@a$K(B [email protected] (12/21/05)
- $B$J$s$G$b$9$k$N$G$4HS$*$4$C$F2<$5$$(B--------^( ToT)^ [email protected] (12/22/05)
- WEB$B2q0w8BDj$N?7%5!<%S%9EP>l$G$9!*(B [email protected] (12/22/05)
- $B=i$a$F$N#X#X#X(B [email protected] (12/23/05)
- $B:GBg<j=P2q$$$K$,$C$+$j$7$?$i!&!&!&(B [email protected] (12/24/05)
- $B8BDj#2#0#0L>$NJ}$KAw?.$5(B$B$;$FD:$$$F$*$j$^$9!#(B [email protected] (12/24/05)
- $B!!5U%5%]$,4|BT",(B [email protected] (12/24/05)
- $BNY$N<G@8(B [email protected] (12/24/05)
- $B%i%V%i%V%/%j%9%^%9(B B (12/24/05)
- $B$*K;$7$$$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (12/24/05)
- ˥NX}XGb`��H [email protected] (12/24/05)
- �����A�h������ [email protected] (12/25/05)
- $B%a!<%k8+$?$h"v(B [email protected] (12/25/05)
- Cialis - $2.99/dose George King (12/26/05)
- MS Office 2003 Pro $69.95 Photoshop Melanie Walsh (12/26/05)
- $B3'MM$K$*CN$i$;(B [email protected] (12/26/05)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 27 December Mike Dean (12/26/05)
- $B:GBg<j=P2q$$$K$,$C$+$j$7$?$i!&!&(B [email protected] (12/27/05)
- =$B!yNx0&F,G>!y(B= B (12/27/05)
- WEB$B2q0w8BDj$N?7%5!<%S%9EP>l$G$9!*(B [email protected] (12/27/05)
- WEB$B2q0w8BDj$N?7%5!<%S%9EP>l$G$9!*(B [email protected] (12/27/05)
- Gb`��l�o��o�I�o�I [email protected] (12/28/05)
- �����顷���I��I������cIH [email protected] (12/28/05)
- �閧�̉ԉ��A�Â����ɋa�͌Q����I jvh9 (12/28/05)
- $BDI$$Iw#1#0#0(Bm B (12/28/05)
- $BCfESH>C<$O$$$1$^$;$s!*!*(B [email protected] (12/29/05)
- �����������鍡���������I�����������I����Ȃ̂��āc�I�H [email protected] (12/29/05)
- �����顷���I��I������cIH [email protected] (12/29/05)
- Gb`��l�o��o�I�o�I [email protected] (12/29/05)
- Top of the Line XP Pro Software at Guaranteed L0W PRlCES Nicole Trotter (12/30/05)
- $B$$$h$$$h$G$9$M!&!&!&(B miki (12/31/05)
- $B4|4V8BDj$NNx0&$r!*(B [email protected] (12/31/05)
- $B$"$J$?$NL4$r8=<B$K$7$^$;$s$+!)(B [email protected] (12/31/05)
- $B8}%3%_$N@($5!*(B [email protected] (12/31/05)
- $B$J$s$@$m(B [email protected] (01/01/06)
- WEB$B2q0w8BDj$N?7%5!<%S%9EP>l$G$9!*(B [email protected] (01/01/06)
- All MS 2003 software for cheap Wendy Burgos (01/01/06)
- All MS 2003 software for cheap Wendy Burgos (01/01/06)
- $B$D$$$KEP>l$7$^$7$?!*(B [email protected] (01/02/06)
- rbO`XIVN�糿o^�Zt�N��I [email protected] (01/02/06)
- no Joint Committee telecon today 3 January Mike Dean (01/03/06)
- $BL_2?8D?)$Y$?!)(B toote (01/03/06)
- (no subject) yukie (01/03/06)
- Viagra - 75% OFF George A.King (01/03/06)
- rbO`XIVN�糿o^�Zt�N��I [email protected] (01/03/06)
- $B2?$,M_$7$$$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (01/04/06)
- �r�b�O�`�����X�I�V�N���疳���o�^�ŃZ�t�������N�ʂ��I [email protected] (01/04/06)
- �����܂�y���N�̃L�[���[�h�z�������� qemtvnvbs6 (01/05/06)
- $B$"$1$*$a!J!|!0(Bo$B!0!|!K(B [email protected] (01/05/06)
- $B0l=o$K2a$4$7$^$;$s$+!)(B [email protected] (01/05/06)
- rbO`XIVN�糿o^�Zt�N��I [email protected] (01/05/06)
- �r�b�O�`�����X�I�V�N���疳���o�^�ŃZ�t�������N�ʂ��I [email protected] (01/05/06)
- $B3Z$7$$$R$H;~$9$4$7$^$;$s!)(B [email protected] (01/05/06)
- $BBhFsCF!*(B [email protected] (01/06/06)
- ���_�l�y���l���W�z ugdakiezy9 (01/07/06)
- $B>/$7JQ$($F$_$^$;$s!)(B miki (01/08/06)
- rbO`XIVN�糿o^�Zt�N��I [email protected] (01/08/06)
- rbO`XIVN�糿o^�Zt�N��I [email protected] (01/08/06)
- $BBhFsCF!*(B [email protected] (01/09/06)
- rbO`XIVN�糿o^�Zt�N��I [email protected] (01/09/06)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 10 January Mike Dean (01/09/06)
- t h � n � T � � � � I [email protected] (01/09/06)
- t h � n � T � � � � I [email protected] (01/09/06)
- MS Office 2003 Pro $69.95 Adobe Erica Neal (01/10/06)
- $B8BDjAG?MF02h(B BINFO (01/10/06)
- $BBhFsCF!*(B [email protected] (01/10/06)
- $B%,%A%s%3$R$H$C$A(B toote (01/10/06)
- $B2?$,M_$7$$$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (01/10/06)
- WEB$B2q0w8BDj$N?7%5!<%S%9EP>l$G$9!*(B [email protected] (01/10/06)
- �t �� �h �� �� �n �� �� �� �T �� �� �� �� �I [email protected] (01/11/06)
- $B%J!]%9(BDE$B5U1g?GNE=j(B [email protected] (01/11/06)
- $B7G<(HD8+$^$7$?"v(B [email protected] (01/12/06)
- $B=EMW;29MJ8=q(B [email protected] (01/12/06)
- $BK\Ev(B nbj5 (01/13/06)
- (no subject) [email protected] (01/13/06)
- �͂��͂��͂��I kiyyvd6 (01/14/06)
- $BL$>5Bz9-9p"((B kanami (01/14/06)
- Get Proppecia today from Forrest's Drug0utlet IEzLa Samantha Mayer (01/14/06)
- Top of the Line Macromedia Software at Guaranteed L0W PRlCES Yvonne Tracy (01/15/06)
- $B?k$K#K(B-1$B$K;2@o$G$9!*!*(B [email protected] (01/15/06)
- $B855$=P$7$F$M(B mm_loversgods (01/16/06)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 January Mike Dean (01/16/06)
- $B@;%P%l%s%?%$%s$NF|(B [email protected] (01/17/06)
- XP software for 80 % 0ff Randi Boyer (01/19/06)
- $BL$>5Bz9-9p"((B AYU (01/20/06)
- $B2?$,M_$7$$$G$9$+!)(B [email protected] (01/20/06)
- $BHkL)%9%]%C%HH/8+(B guh (01/20/06)
- $BLk7J%i%s%-%s%0H/I=!*(B [email protected] (01/22/06)
- $B855$=P$7$F$M(B mm_loversmatch (01/22/06)
- no Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 24 January Mike Dean (01/23/06)
- $B855$=P$7$F$M(B mm_loversgods (01/23/06)
- $BLk7J%i%s%-%s%0H/I=!*(B [email protected] (01/24/06)
- 80 % Discount on All AutoCAD Titles Martha Hyatt (01/24/06)
- $B$$$h$$$h$G$9$M!&!&!&(B miki (01/24/06)
- Replica watch models Steven A.Norman (01/25/06)
- Specials on mediclnes this week at Mueller's Pharrmacy D7RNWn4fF Sally Simons (01/27/06)
- $BBhFs$N?M@8%9%?!<%H!*!)(B [email protected] (01/28/06)
- FROM: Mrs ROSELINE JOHNSON. roseline johnson (01/28/06)
- $B!wC/$K$bCN$i$l$:%5%]!<%H%i%$%U!w(B [email protected] (01/29/06)
- $B$4>R2pD:$-!"$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!*(B [email protected] (01/29/06)
- �v�����Y��Ă����j�́g���̒��̌��C�Ȋ�сh�����߂���!! �c�� (01/30/06)
- $B!wC/$K$bCN$i$l$:%5%]!<%H%i%$%U!w(B [email protected] (01/30/06)
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