From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 09/18/01
My view, and my guess is that this view will be strongly shared by
you-know-who, is that if we (you) want to have this document be ``blessed''
by you-know-who, then its primary form will have be one that works better
with html than Word.
This is one of the prices that must be paid, I think.
From: Deborah McGuinness <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Joint Committee telecon today 18 September
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:17:02 -0700
> thx peter for the work.
> I never got an answer to my email question about whether there will be
> resubmissions required in this [you-know-who] format
> (this will pose a problem for us because the word document is the one that is
> maintained and generating the [you-know-who] html format is a time consuming process that
> has to be done by hand as far as we can tell).
> I would also like to know as peter would what happens to the submissions and
> what the process is now.
> in the announcement section of the meeting, i would like to see this issue
> addressed.
> thx,
> d
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