From: Deborah McGuinness ([email protected])
Date: 11/12/01
I have been asked about description logic papers/resources from the rdf logic mailing list and webont and am thus posting answers to those groups. This is an answer to the most recent question which commented that a paper[1] I pointed out, was a useful introduction to readers not familiar with description logics Deborah McGuinness ============== thx for your interest. the best sources of list of papers on description logics are from the description logic web site: [2] and in particular a searchable site available from [3 ] (go to: Reference List which you can search ). also see [7] below The best source of online papers about description logics are from the proceedings f the description logic workshops now held yearly. Almost all of the proceedings (at least all of the proceedings for recent years) are online. go to: [4] for the listing and pointers to proceedings. i can't answer about iccs availability online - i think that is against the contract with the publisher of ICCS proceedings but am not the final say on that one. (the last iccs conference page is: [5] ) on a DL book - one is coming - it is in final stages - [6] will be updated when you can get it - it should be early 2002. One tangible current result of the book is a very large bibtex bibliography. The current one is available at: [7] URLs: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Graham Klyne wrote: > As one who relatively recently became aware of description logics, I found > that a very useful, readable paper. Thanks for that. I think it deserves > wider awareness outside this community. > > (It has seemed to me that relatively few of the papers that deal with > description logics are available online. I have been unable to get hold of > some that were suggested to me, such as past ICCS proceedings. Has anyone > yet written a textbook on description logics?) > > #g > -- > > At 09:08 AM 11/8/01 -0800, Deborah McGuinness wrote: > >That was for a mostly less expressive language than daml+oil (although > >interestingly > >enough would have happily been able to say the thing that jeff wanted to > >say since > >it did have same-as as a constructor). > > > >[1] > > > > ------------------------- > __ > /\ \ Graham Klyne > / \ \ ([email protected]) > / /\ \ \ > / / /\ \ \ > / / /__\_\ \ > / / /________\ > \/___________/ -- Deborah L. McGuinness Knowledge Systems Laboratory Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 email: [email protected] URL: (voice) 650 723 9770 (stanford fax) 650 725 5850 (computer fax) 801 705 0941
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