From: Ian Horrocks ([email protected])
Date: 12/11/01
Mike, Regarding the UML encoding. The reason for needing qualified number restrictions is that the encoding reifies relations so that nary relations can be dealt with. Roughly speaking, cardinality constraints on the participation of classes in relationships thus end up as qualified number restrictions where the property is the inverse of the property used to link reified relationship to the class and the qualifier is the reified relationship class. Note that because of the encoding is quite complex, it doesn't result in a useful KB - it can better be seen as a trick for using a DAML+OIL reasoner to decide problems in an nary DL (called DLR) that can be used to capture the semantics of data modelling formalisms such as EER and UML. Full details from the usual source (Calvanese and Lenzerini). E.g.: \bibitem[BCDG01]{BeCD01} D.~Berardi, D.~Calvanese, and G.~De~Giacomo. \newblock Reasoning on {UML} {C}lass {D}iagrams using {D}escription {L}ogic {B}ased {S}ystems. \newblock In {\em Proc. of the KI'2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics}. \bibitem[CLN98]{DBIS-Chom-Saak-98} D.~Calvanese, M.~Lenzerini, and D.~Nardi. \newblock Description logics for conceptual data modeling. \newblock In {\em Logics for Databases and Information Systems}, pages 229--263. Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1998. You can probably download these from Diego's web site: Regards, Ian
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