RE: datatype comparisons and arithmetic conversions

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 01/06/04

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "RE: datatype comparisons and arithmetic conversions"
    Here are updates to my previous examples from [1] based on our 16
    December telecon:
      <!-- free shipping on orders over $50 -->
            <owlx:Class owlx:name="Order"/>
          <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="cost">
          <swrlx:operationAtom swrlx:op="&op;numeric-greater-than">
            <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">50</owlx:DataValue>
          <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="shipping">
            <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">0</owlx:DataValue>
      <!-- convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius -->
          <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="fahrenheitTemp">
          <swrlx:operationAtom swrlx:op="&op;numeric-subtract">
            <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">32</owlx:DataValue>
          <swrlx:operationAtom swrlx:op="&op;numeric-multiply">
            <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">5</owlx:DataValue>
          <swrlx:operationAtom swrlx:op="&op;numeric-integer-divide">
            <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">9</owlx:DataValue>
          <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="celsiusTemp">
    This assumes that the binding pattern for each "operator" will be
    defined in our documentation - implementations may also allow
    user-defined operators.  By convention, the arithmetic operators use
    the first binding for the result of the calculation.  Each operator
    will also return true or false to indicate the success or failure of
    the swrlx:operationAtom (false might be used in the arithmetic
    operators to report overflow, divide by zero, etc.).
    Since swrlx:operationAtom can return false, it should only appear
    within ruleml:_body.
    Corresponding executable examples in N3 are now available at [2] and [3].

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