[Fwd: material on Rules for today's Joint Committee telecon]

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 01/22/02

Benjamin Grosof provided some read-ahead material on RuleML and Rules 
for DAML for today's telecon.  We'll plan to at least introduce this 
today, and may continue the discussion next week.

Forwarded with permission.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: material on Rules for today's Joint Committee telecon
Resent-Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:02:44 -0500
Resent-From: Mike Dean <[email protected]>
Resent-To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:09:30 -0500
From: Benjamin Grosof <[email protected]>
To: Mike Dean <[email protected]>
CC: [email protected]

Hi Mike,

Attached are documents by way of background to the discussion of RuleML and
Rules for DAML
planned for today's Joint Committee telecon.

I'm figuring we will be devoting 10-15 minutes to that discussion today --
please let me know if that's right.

The documents are:

- an overview of future (actually already ongoing) technical directions  --
inline'd below

- related new paper and demo description that appeared at WITS '01 
that describe prototyping of RuleML inferencing and translation (these will
soon be posted,
with slightly different formatting, on my website)




% plans for RuleML and Rules for DAML
% by Benjamin Grosof   1/22/02
% thanks to Harold Boley and Said Tabet for discussion

Overview of Directions for technical work on RuleML and related Rules for
work is already underway by Benjamin's group at MIT Sloan

1. courteous extension of logic programs:
    negation-as-failure, defaults, priorities, merging, updating;
    limited classical negation (in the logic program sense)

2. importing rules/rulesets, modules of rule subsets,
    and related aspects of merging

3. procedural attachments:  situated logic programs, supporting OPS5,
    Event-Condition-Action kinds of rules - including Jess

4. queries, relational database

5. justifications

6. combining with Description Logic, types, Object-Oriented
    - including WebOnt

In addition:




Overview of Recent Progress by MIT Sloan:

o courteous situated (Logic Programs) extension of DTD defined in Dec. 2001

o tools for running RuleML, including full courteous LP expressiveness:
   - translation to and from multiple rule systems languages, including:
       XSB Prolog
       IBM Business Rules Markup Language
       Smodels (forward-chaining logic programs)
   - inferencing:
       forward chaining; also easily can do backward via translating above

   - demonstrated at Workshop on Information Technology and Systems 
(WITS '01)
     on Dec. 15-16, 2001 held in New Orleans
     (the premier techno B-school research conference)

   - soon to be posted and runnable on website
      (at MIT Sloan, linked from other RuleML)

Prof. Benjamin Grosof,   MIT Sloan Sch. of Mgmt.  (http://mitsloan.mit.edu)
   Contracts and Policies for E-Commerce, XML Rules and Agent
Communication, Web Services
      [email protected]     http://ebusiness.mit.edu/bgrosof/

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