Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 November

From: Dan Brickley ([email protected])
Date: 11/04/03

  • Next message: Wagner, G.R.: "RE: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 November"
    * Wagner, G.R. <[email protected]> [2003-11-04 21:47+0100]
    > > RuleML-2003 Workshop [2] (Gerd, et al - 10 min)
    > > 
    > > [2]
    > > 
    > Notice that there is another workshop on web rules taking
    > place in December, which is organized by people from the 
    > new EU research network REWERSE:
    Is anyone here going? If so, a brief post-trip report to 
    [email protected] would I'm sure be much appreciated...

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