From: Ian Horrocks ([email protected])
Date: 03/03/01
On March 2, Dan Connolly writes: > Dan Brickley wrote: > > This is a followup to some hallway and lunchtable conversations about > > DAML datatyping and the work of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. > > > > My understanding of the forthcoming revision of DAML+OIL+DT(*) is that > > we say all properties are either of the kind that point to resources, or > > of the kind that point to concrete datatypes, strings structured as per > > XML Schema part 2. > > I don't think that's quite right; I'm not confident I know where > the latest draft is, but my understanding is: DAML+OIL+DT doesn't > say that all properties are either black or white; it just doesn't > tell you the semantics of the grey ones. This is exactly the case: DAML+OIL+DT defines two subclasses of Property, AbstractProperty and DatatypeProperty. Ian
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