my notes from today's JC telecon (inline'd and attached)

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 05/27/03

  • Next message: pat hayes: "Re: Joint Committee telecon today 27 May"
    % notes from JC telecon 5/27/03
    % by Benjamin Grosof
    o discussion recapping WWW-2003 conference
    o discussion on roadmap:
    see separate file rules-roadmap-suggs-v3.txt
    that has updated revisions to phase I and phase II incorporating
    consensus from discussion
    o list of built-ins:  Said Tabet will post his working list
    o syntax:
    candidates for human-consumption string syntax:
    - SCLP textfile syntax used in SweetRules -- by Benjamin Grosof,
    see e.g., the WITS-2001 report version on his website
    - work by Harold Boley -- he will post
    - N3:  but requires extending to handle non-binary predicates and constructors
    o agenda for next week:   basic Horn LP semantics, equality extensions
    - as preparation:  all to please read [1]
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

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