Re: notes from today's JC telecon 12/2/03

From: Graham Klyne ([email protected])
Date: 12/04/03

  • Next message: Deborah L. McGuinness: "feedback from owl-s and swsl"
    Yes, you're right.  My apologies to Jeff, who was very helpful in 
    clarifying some questions for me.
    At 21:10 03/12/03 +0000, Ian Horrocks wrote:
    >I would like to point out that this is joint work with Jeff Pan, and
    >that if any credit is due, then much of it should go to Jeff.
    >On December 3, Graham Klyne writes:
    > > At 17:31 02/12/03 -0500, Benjamin Grosof wrote:
    > > >relevant paper to read for next week:
    > > >paper by Ian Horrocks et al on datatype groups
    > > >from ISWC-2003, is on Ian's webpage
    > >
    > > FWIW, I've implemented two approaches to incorporating datatypes into RDF
    > > inference processes.  The software is not yet documented or released (but
    > > will be soon, I hope).  Some notes are at [1].
    > > - one is based on ideas from Ian's paper.  All test cases from [1] have
    > > been passed (except that I take a different approach to cardinality
    > > constraints).
    > > - the other is based on adding a "variable binding modifier" to
    > > conventional Horn-like rule.
    > >
    > > So far, my intuition is that Ian's GeneralRestriction class approach
    > > integrates more smoothly with general RDF -- the datatypes can be built
    > > into the software, and accessed/used within the RDF syntactic
    > > framework.  I've yet to see how this plays out in a real application.
    > >
    > > #g
    > > --
    > >
    > > [1]
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > ------------
    > > Graham Klyne
    > > For email:
    > >
    > >
    Graham Klyne
    For email:

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