Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 11 January

From: Ian Horrocks ([email protected])
Date: 01/11/05

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    Belated regrets - got confused about my timezone :-)
    Mike Dean wrote:
    > We'll have our weekly telecon tomorrow (January 11) from 4-5pm EST, 1-2pm
    > PST, and corresponding times in other locations.
    > The dial-in numbers are
    >   U.S.:  866-453-5550
    >   outside U.S.:  +1-678-460-1860
    >   After dialing, enter 3784085#
    >   If you're asked, the chairperson is Mike Dean
    > A parallel logged IRC session will be available on the #joint-committee
    > channel at (see for the server
    > password).
    > Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome.
    >       Mike
    > agenda updates/additions
    > announcements
    >   PPSWR 2005 [1]
    > minutes deferred
    > SWRL FOL
    >   document status
    > Rule Languages for the Web workshop (Said, et al)
    > next week
    > [1]

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : 01/11/05 EST