On Behalf of Adam Pease

From: Brandon Amundson ([email protected])
Date: 09/26/01

   There's more information at
<http://projects.teknowledge.com/DAML/index.html>.  Let me know if you have
any other questions, I'd be glad to help.


At 11:17 PM 9/25/2001 +0200, Frank van Harmelen wrote:
>Mike Dean wrote:
> > Another addition is the DAML search/query service that Adam
> > Pease and his group at Teknowledge Palo Alto have been
> > developing, which recently became available at [1].  It's a
> > multi-threaded servlet that uses XSB for execution, so it
> > presumably includes some inference capabilities at the RDFS
> > and/or DAML+OIL level.
> >
> >         Mike
> >
> > [1] http://plucky.teknowledge.com/daml/damlquery.jsp
>I'd very much like to find out more about this.
>The page you pointed to is just the servlet interface-form.
>Is there anywhere we can find out more background?
>    ----

Adam Pease
(650) 424-0500 x571

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