From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 03/11/03
here's a draft. it's kind of weak on actual use-case, but maybe it's enough of a start. -- sandro ------- 2.x Rules About Web Content Documents available on the web can be important inputs into custom reasoning involving rules. Certain conclusions can be drawn when the document retreived from some URI says certain things, does _not_ say certain things, is signed by a certain signature, was last modified at a certain date, etc. For example: * gives the official list of W3C publications and their normative status. A form of this in RDF could be useful input to rules about whether a given document was normative. This involves negatation-as-failure in an explicitely closed world: anything not listed on that page cannot be a W3C recommendation. * One document may logically include (assert) another, subject to authenticity verification (either static, using a secure hash function, or dynamic, using a signature function). This may involve complex policy rules including expiration of keys and content being available in multiple locations on the web. For instance, content may be published with links to plug-in implementation code which can be automatically downloaded if signatures provide sufficiently security for all of: the user, the user's systems administrators, and the content provider who is concerned about liability triggering download of an unsigned plug-in. * Dynamically generating documents, involving querying multiple web-available knowledge bases, applying defaults when information is absent, and applying aggregation functions to generate a coherent whole.
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