Re: Pre-final release versions available

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 01/11/01

"Peter F. Patel-Schneider" wrote:

> A more substantive comment:  It is not really true that DAML+OIL does not
> have any semantics for arbitrary RDF triples.  In fact DAML+OIL provides
> (perhaps) the first real semantics for such triples.  It it just that the
> semantics provided is just the obvious one---that the interpretation of
> the subject is related to the interpretation of the object by the
> interpretation of the predicate.  This is sort of implied by the mixing note.

I've removed the word "only", so that the sentence now says:

"As stated above, DAML+OIL assigns a specific meaning
 to certain RDF triples."

whereas it used to say:

"As stated above, DAML+OIL assigns a specific meaning 
 only to certain RDF triples.

This, plus the comment in the note make the text sufficiently correct, I think. 


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