From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 02/06/01
We'll have our weekly telecon today (Tuesday, February 6) from 4-5pm EST, 1-2pm PST, and corresponding times in other locations. The dial-in numbers are U.S.: 888-483-2662 outside U.S.: +1-310-312-5889 Enter passcode 6428 followed by the # sign Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome. Mike agenda updates/additions announcements There will be no telecon next week (February 13) due to the DAML PI meeting in DC. A dial-in number will be provided for DAML PI Meeting Language breakout session from 10-noon EST on Wednesday, February 14 corrections to minutes from 30 January [1] concrete types Dan's proposal [2] Deb's experience with concrete types [3] previous proposals [4] [5] [6] next steps? DAML PI meeting (Feb 13-15 in DC) DAML+OIL plenary presentation intro Mike (10 mins) DAML+OIL goals/issues/experience Ian (30 mins) W3C Semantic Web Activities? Tim? (10 mins) Model-Theoretic Semantics Peter? (15 mins) Axiomatic Semantics Deb/Richard? (15 mins) Q&A/overflow (10 mins) Language breakout session BOFs: DAML Rules, ... Dan King's DAML+OIL comments [7] daml:Thing equivalentTo rdf:Resource? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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