RE: new versions of SWRL draft

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 03/25/04

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: new versions of SWRL draft"
    Thanks, Peter!
    Your updates are now in CVS and at [1].
    Several questions/comments on the XML Syntax:
    I assume swrlx:dataRange addresses the class/datatype checking inconsistency
    you mentioned on this week's telecom.  Does this replace section 8.1?
    Shouldn't swrlx:datarangeAtom include a swrlx:dObject rather than a
    I'm not sure I understand exactly how to use the new URIreference in
    ruleml:imp.  It might be good to add it to Example 5.1-1.
    I thought that swrlx:builtinAtom would have a swrlx:builtin attribute
    (analogous to swrlx:property) rather than using URIreference.
    Shouldn't swrlx:builtinAtom and swrlx:datarangeAtom (see above) now also be
    parents of swrlx:dObject?

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