Re: Joint Committee telecon today 3 December

From: Deborah McGuinness ([email protected])
Date: 12/03/02

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 10 December"
    the url mike included is the right one for dql.
    the specific urls off of the main dql page that are of particular
    interest are:
    the demo -
    the syntax overview -
    (which points to the  schema document -
    there are additional query examples -
    Mike Dean wrote:
    > We'll have our weekly telecon today (December 3) from 4-5pm
    > EST, 1-2pm PST, and corresponding times in other locations.
    > The dial-in numbers are
    >   U.S.:  866-779-0774
    >   outside U.S.:  +1-334-309-0263
    >   After dialing, enter *7289913* (including stars)
    >   If you're asked, the chairperson is Mike Dean
    > A parallel logged IRC session will be available on the
    > #joint-committee channel at (see
    > for the server password).
    > Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome.
    >       Mike
    > agenda updates/additions
    > announcements
    > minutes deferred
    > Stanford's DQL syntax [1] (Deb, Rob McCool - 45 min)
    > possible Joint Committee additions (everyone - 15 min)
    > next week
    >   Bubo - Implementing OWL in rule-based systems [2] (Stefan - 40 min)
    >   RDF vs. OWL as target for rules (everyone - 20 min)
    > [1]
    > [2]
     Deborah L. McGuinness
     Knowledge Systems Laboratory
     Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
     Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
     email: [email protected]
     (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)
    801 705 0941

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