From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 01/04/01
Tim Berners-Lee wrote: > > My questions about the DAML+OIL spec as revised may be based on ignorance of > meetings I wasn't at, in which case I apologize - please accept them as > clarification questions. [...] > 2. sameClassAs and equivalentTo; same comment as 1except for domain and > range constraints. > > 3. samePropertyAs and equivalentTo; same comment as 2. See my answer to comment 2, then. > Are we suggesting > that ontology builders in turn should define "sameCarAs" and "sameVehicleAs" > properties? No, I don't think so; There's no W3C recommendation regarding cars that we feel obliged to support. > This is the example being set. I found that when converting > between different syntaxes, one has to introduce daml:equivalentTo as part > of that translation, because different syntaxes have different abilties to > map a graph into a tree. I missed it being defined by rdfs and now I see it > has slipped out of daml. er... huh? I'm not aware of any decision to get rid of daml:equivalentTo. It's there: <Property ID="equivalentTo"> -- $Id: daml+oil.daml,v 1.2 2001/01/02 19:15:55 mdean Exp $ Hmm.. it's not used in nor mentioned in and I don't see it in "Appendix One: List of all language elements" of $Revision: 1.1 $ of $Date: 2001/01/03 18:38:43 $ So yes, it does seem to be slipping out. Frank, please put it back. > A problem I see in general is that DAML may be an authoring langauge, but > retrictions on what one can say about things in sepcific places may make it > dfficult to output general DAML. > > For example, if I know two things are equivalent i must check to see whether > they ar classes before tring to write it in DAML. Only if you want RDFS-only agents to grok. -- Dan Connolly, W3C
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