status of submission

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 10/31/01

The current status of the submission documents will be available (as of
about 9am EST today) at

I have added copyright notices and DAML acks to the .html files.    If I
don't have a copyright message from you I have put [ ] around your name.  I
won't be able to submit until all authors tell me what their copyright status is.

I have also incorporated the .daml and .xsd files into the appropriate
.html files. 

I changed the cover page to include patent declarations and copyright
specifications.  I won't be able to submit until all authors give me
information to put in these sections.

Finally, if any other authors belong to a W3C member, I think that this
should go on the first line of the cover page (cover.html).  As all authors
have to provide IPR disclaimers, there is no extra work in this.  I know of
the following:

	MIT (maybe, depending on Dan's/Lynn's status)


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