Re: querying DAML+OIL syntax

From: Pat Hayes ([email protected])
Date: 11/29/01

>From: Pat Hayes <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: querying DAML+OIL syntax
>Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 19:44:07 -0600
>>  >
>>  >Untouchable - should not make it into the model theory
>>  Why? (Because they use constructions defined by rdf:parseType??)
>>  >
>>  >	Ontology versionInfo imports
>>  >
>>  >	unionOf intersectionOf disjointUnionOf oneOf
>>  >	complementOf
>>  >
>>  >	onProperty toClass hasValue
>>  >	hasClass minCardinality maxCardinality cardinality
>>  >	hasClassQ minCardinalityQ maxCardinalityQ cardinalityQ
>>  >
>>  >	equivalentTo sameClassAs samePropertyAs sameIndividualAs
>>  >	disjointWith differentIndividualFrom inverseOf
>>  Pat
>To be more precise, perhaps.
>The above constructs are DAML+OIL syntax and should not generate
>relationships in the model theory.  For example (using a much nicer syntax)
>	(unionOf a (intersectionOf b c))
>should not result in a unionOf relationship in the model theory.

What should the MT say about it, then? That it refers to George W. Bush?

>Why?  Well, if it did then how could you get an entailment between
>	A = (unionOf a (intersectionOf b c))
>	B = (intersectionOf (unionOf a b) (unionOf b c))

I must be getting old, or something. I really do not follow you. Are 
you saying that A does NOT entail B??

If we don't have any relationships in the model theory, how will we 
entail ANYTHING?

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