From: Stefan Decker ([email protected])
Date: 01/28/03
Dear all, the DAML-Joint Committee has been wrestling with the rules for quite some time. I suggest to aim at the following documents, and try to have documents ready within a defined time period. As a start, I suggest the following documents and schedules. 1) Use cases and requirements (milestone ready mid of march) What are use cases we want to tackle? 2) Language features (milestone ready end of April) Which language features are required by the use cases? 3) Syntax+Semantics (milestone ready mid of July) 4) Usage examples (milestone ready end of August) Documents creation is interleaved. Tasks for the telecon: - reach agreement on the documents and schedule - assign editors for the documents - If time permits, discuss the use cases below, gathered from previous telecons. Best, Stefan ----- Possible Use Cases ----------------- (Mike Dean) 1) rewriting/transformation rules, e.g. [1] in [2] 2) matching rules, e.g. [3] in [4] 3) equivalence rules, e.g. an instance of Employee in one ontology is daml:equivalentTo an instance of Member in another ontology if the values of their socialSecurityNumber or emailAddress properties match. 4) computation rules, e.g. a meal is served on all Flights over 3 hours, dinner is served on all flights departing between 5-7pm local time, etc. 5) class rules with computation, e.g. a Minor is a Person whose age is less than 18 (where age is computed based on a birthDate property, presumably requiring some escape mechanism to specify invocation of procedural code to do parsing, conversions, and arithmetic) 6) trust rules, e.g. trust all statements coming from and (presumably involves some form of tagging, reification, or contexts) (Jim Hendler) 7) Computation of Proofs: rules expressed in various documents. A system that can put the rules together into a proof document (i.e. an instantiated proof) that could be checked by some other system. (Stefan Decker) 8) Exchange of email rules: I've a lot of email filter rules in Eudora, and want to switch to another email tools. All I need is to export the filter rule base into DAML rules and then import them again. [1] [2] [3] [4] --
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