From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 11/27/01
So I looked over the DAML+OIL syntax and model theory and came up with the following conclusions: 1/ All triples are actually carried into the model theory, so Richard is somewhat justified in trying to query them. I now view this as a mistake, so I wouldn't count on the situation staying stable. Also querying logical triples is not likely to get what you want. 2/ If you only carry reasonable triples into the model theory, then you get the following division of DAML+OIL syntax. RDF Syntax - doesn't even make it to the RDF graph, so can't be queried xmlns:* rdf:RDF rdf:Description rdf:ID rdf:about rdf:resource rdf:parseType Untouchable - should not make it into the model theory Ontology versionInfo imports unionOf intersectionOf disjointUnionOf oneOf complementOf onProperty toClass hasValue hasClass minCardinality maxCardinality cardinality hasClassQ minCardinalityQ maxCardinalityQ cardinalityQ equivalentTo sameClassAs samePropertyAs sameIndividualAs disjointWith differentIndividualFrom inverseOf Questionable - it may be possible to take these into the model theory rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:domain rdfs:range rdfs:Class rdfs:Literal rdf:Property Class Datatype Thing Nothing Restriction ObjectProperty DatatypeProperty TransitiveProperty UniqueProperty UnambiguousProperty OK, except in DAML+OIL logical constructs List nil first rest item OK - no change is required to make these work because they are not really syntax rdfs:label rdfs:comment rdf:value rdfs:seeAlso rdfs:isDefinedBy peter
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