From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 01/09/01
Let me make comments similar to those that Pat has made, but somewhat (!) stronger. RDF has no semantics. It never has had a semantics. I say this even though Richard and Deborah have produced the beginnings of a semantics for RDF. Their effort only provides semantics for the portion of RDF that has a fairly obvious meaning. (It does not provide a complete semantics for containers or for reification.) As with any syntactic system without a clear semantics, people using RDF have had fights over what various RDF constructs are supposed to mean. I forsee these fights continuing ad nauseum. DAML+OIL uses only a fraction of RDF. It (purposely) does not use the RDF constructs that are most open to misinterpretation. Nevertheless, DAML+OIL is on somewhat shakey grounds even with this restriction to the more-obvious portions of RDF. Peter Patel-Schneider
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