warning label

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 10/05/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Jacob Bloomfield Grosof birth announcement"
    As I promised during Tuesday's telecon, here's the first
    draft of a "warning label" intended as a new section in [1].
    Additions, corrections, and other suggestions are welcome.
    [1] http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~horrocks/DAML/Rules/
    6.0  Usage Suggestions
    At least in the near term until OWL reasoners begin to
    support OWL Rules directly, users who want to maximize
    interoperability with existing rule engines and OWL
    ontologies encoded in RDF/XML may want to limit their
    classAtoms to use named classes defined in the same OWL XML
    file or external OWL XML or RDF/XML documents, e.g. use
        <owlx:Class owlx:name="#PhysicianChild"/>
        <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1"/>
      <owlx:Class owlx:name="PhysicianChild">
          <owlx:Class owlx:name="#Person"/>
          <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="#hasParent"/>
            <owlx:someValuesFrom owlx:class="#Physician"/>
    rather than
        <owlx:Class owlx:name="PhysicianChild">
            <owlx:Class owlx:name="#Person"/>
            <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="#hasParent">
              <owlx:someValuesFrom owlx:class="#Physician"/>
        <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1"/>
    as this allows simpler translation of atoms into other rule
    Users anticipating use of their rules with prioritized
    conflict resolution, defaults, procedural attachments, or
    other advanced features of rule engines based on Logic
    Programming may want to limit their classAtoms to use named
    classes within the expressiveness of Description Logic
    Programs [Grosof 2003].  This limits [Benjamin fill in
    An example of an OWL class outside the expressiveness of
    Description Logic Programs is
      <owlx:Class owlx:name="Orphan">
          <owlx:Class rdf:name="#Person"/>
          <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="#hasParent"/>
            <owlx:allValuesFrom owlx:class="#Deceased"/>
    because of the use of owl:allValuesFrom.  Use of such a
    class within a classAtom may cause difficulties in future
    versions of OWL Rules.
    Development of theoretical foundations and algorithms to
    more fully combine the results of Description Logic and
    Logic Programming is an active area of research.  OWL Rules
    is expected to grow as such research comes to fruition.
    Tools to convert between OWL Rules and RuleML 0.8 [RuleML] are
    being developed.
    	Description Logic Programs:  Combining Logic
    	Programs with Description Logic.  Benjamin Grosof,
    	Ian Horrocks, Raphael Volz, Stefan Decker.  Proc.
    	WWW2003, Budapest, May 2003.

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