From: Stefan Decker ([email protected])
Date: 04/17/01
Dear all, supporting the current DAML+OIL specification requires some effort and sophistication: the average programmer is usually not acquainted with algorithms to classify description logic expressions. And there are many application that would not require the additional expressivity that description logics provide - it might often be a hurdle for people who want to use and to support DAML+OIL. Therefore I suggest to introduce a light version of DAML+OIL, focusing on easy implementability. Once people have spent the effort to support DAML+OIL light, it would be much easier to convince them to support full DAML+OIL. Requirements for DAML+OIL light are: implementable by an average programmer and as much advantages of DAML+OIL should be preserved as possible. Suggestions are: DAML+OIL Light should not support: UnambiguousProperty : Equality reasoning would be necessary UniqueProperty: see above complementOf intersectionOf disjointUnionOf differentIndividualFrom DAML+OIL Light should support: TransitiveProperty inverseOf DatatypeProperty ObjectProperty cardinalityQ maxCardinalityQ minCardinalityQ hasClassQ cardinality maxCardinality minCardinality hasClass hasValue toClass onProperty Restriction oneOf All the best, Stefan
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