From: [email protected]
Date: 11/06/01
after presenting RuleML at INAP (,
I visited INTAP, the Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing, Tokyo:
In July they have set up a Semantic Web Task Force looking for success stories, exploring tools
such as an RDF metadata generator from HTML data, and developing a vision of the most important
practical SemWeb uses. It is chaired by Noboru Shimizu, NEC ([email protected]).
On 29 October they held a Semantic Web Conference, wich you can find from the above INTAP page.
I propose to support their efforts by sending them our DAML+OIL, RuleML, etc. success stories,
or at least working in that direction :-)
Harold (till 20 December at Canada's NRC-IIT e-business research facility, Fredericton, NB)
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