Re: Logic Layering Issues for DAML Rules

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 03/16/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon today 18 March"
    From: Sandro Hawke <[email protected]>
    Subject: Logic Layering Issues for DAML Rules
    Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2003 07:51:16 -0500
    > We've talked about the DAML Rules language, like RuleML, having at
    > least one of its concrete syntaxes be RDF-Graph-based like OWL.  This
    > raises concerns over logic layering; we need to handle universally
    > quantified variables and some forms of negation.  (An aside: when
    > people say "Horn rules" are they thinking only definite clauses, or
    > full Horn clauses, with headless rules, giving us classical negation?
    > My understanding is that's not as widely implemented, but since I'm
    > tempermentally inclined towards a full FOL syntax, I view it as a step
    > in the right direction.)
    > There were various comments about this at SWArch [1] yesterday, and I
    > think I heard Pat and Ian say they knew how to do it, and maybe even
    > saw Peter nod, but I didn't hear how.  
    Maybe you saw my head jerk from astonishment, but certainly not a semantic
    nod.  :-)
    > When I've suggested doing it by
    > encoding the syntactic structures of the rules into RDF and then using
    > a limitted truth predicate (as in KIF [2]) to indicate which such
    > structures are intended to be asserted as rules, people start to look
    > very concerned.  
    Truth predicates are an extremely powerful tool, but one that requires
    great care or else serious problems will result.  
    The problems are not limited to paradoxes.  Suppose you (by accident)
    closed off the universe of non-empty predicates, say by 
    	sh:Rule rdf:subClassof _:x .
    	_:x owl:onProperty sh:ruleHead .
    	_:x owl:allValuesFrom _:y .
    	_:y owl:onProperty sh:predicate .
    	_:y owl:allValuesFrom [ list of predicates ] .
    What is then the meaning of a rule that is missing a predicate?
    > In any case, do we have a solution at hand, or is this going to be a
    > major obstacle?
    Major obstacle, provided that you want semantic layering to work.
    If you 
    1/ want to only use RDF syntax, and
    2/ want the syntax to have its RDF meaning,
    you are going to have problems.  The problems may be surmountable, with
    great effort, but do you want to expend this effort, particularly when
    relaxing either constraint above makes the problems largely go away?
    >    -- sandro
    Peter F. Patel-Schneider
    Bell Labs Research
    Lucent Technologies

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