Re: DQL Examples

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 06/25/02

  • Next message: Richard Fikes: "Postscript on Today's DQL Discussion"
    Richard Fikes wrote:
    > Here are a couple of query examples for today's discussion.
    I forward an email that appeared today on the rdf-rules list,
    outlining an effort to poll resources and experiences on RDF(S) query 
    I think DQL would benefit from seeing how it could be an incremental upgrade 
    over RDF(S) query languages.
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: RDF Query and Rule languages use cases and survey
    Resent-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 07:25:53 -0400 (EDT)
    Resent-From: [email protected]
    Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 13:32:21 +0200
    From: Alberto Reggiori <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: [email protected]
    To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
    CC: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, 
    "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
    (apologies for the cross post)
    Hello everybody,
    we, that is a group of implementors working on different versions of
    SquishQL [1], RDQL [2] and
    other similar RDF query and rule languages, met in Chia for the ISWC2002
    at the beginning of June;
    after a very informal meeting we decided to set up a survey about Use
    Cases and practical examples
    about how to query and access remotely RDF databases.
    Following Andy's announcement a few days ago [3], here is one of the
    first practical steps in that direction which aims to consolidate and
    document existing RDF Query and Rule languages and systems. We think
    that one effective way to have an open and stymulating discussion
    involving as many people as possible, would be to leverage on what is
    there, present what has been already developed in the past years and
    show what is running today on user's desktops. By sharing ideas,
    practical use cases and implementations should in fact improve the
    learning curve of users and RDF software develpers and help them to make
    better of what they already got and avoid work duplication. It is in our
    hope that all this will also help the adoption of RDF systems inside
    exsisting Web infrastructures and to test existing software solutions.
    Here is a public accessible URL about the survey, which can be directly
    to contribute with your own use cases and examples:
    Even if in the past there have been similar efforts undertaken on this
    list [4], with this email message we aims to gather together and share a
    set of query use cases, scenarios and implementations in a kind of
    database where the actual use of query is scoped out; such a knowledge
    base can then be analysed to assess the various uses being made of RDF
    Query and Rule languages in order to get a sense of what is important in
    RDF applications and what is not. This will also help to address some of
    the issues in the QL design area and take important software design
    Attached are the following files:
       + The current RDF database as HTML page
       + the RDF database including an initial set of RDF Query use cases and
       + the RDFS schema
    Feel free to edit the above RDF file and add your own use cases,
    scenarios and
    comments or simply post your contributions to the www-rules list in
    which case I will provide to integrate your information into the
    Another parallel effort that I have been thinking about, is perhaps to
    set up a set of test cases for the existing query and rule systems
    (perhaps based on the RDF Test Cases) that can be used to test and
    compare the generated query result sets. This should help to validate
    the results generated by the various systems, assess their differences
    and help interoperability with existing query and remote access systems.
    What do you think about it? Do you find it useful?
    Looking forward to hear about your contributions, comments, suggestions
    and criticisms about how to improve or doing better :-)

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