From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 01/07/01
Deborah, Thanks for your suggestions on the walkthru. I've incorporated all of them, with the following proviso's: [1] I've renamed properties to "hasFather" etc, and not to "has-father", since the W3C folk don't like hyphens. [2] I'd love to include/point to Ora's minimalist guide to RDF, but cannot find it in a few obvious places. Can you point me to it? (or Ora?) [3] The only suggestion I've not taken over is: > on the introduction of hasClassQ (and maxcardinalityQ), i suggest adding an > example after the mention that one could have jobs other than those that > are fullTimeOccupations. because I think this point is rather too subtle for a "first glance at the language", and it also makes it awkward to keep daml+oil-ex.daml and the walkthrough in sync. The result is to be found at (or at as soon as Mike moves it over) (Mike?) (Since Deb's email is an excellent change-log, I didn't bother to mark the changes this time). Frank. ----
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