From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 06/07/04
Here is a different, minimalist proposal. peter Syntax: Non-terminals taken from other grammars are prefixed by that grammar as in OWL/annotation. The axiom non-terminal from OWL is not so treated, as the idea here is to augment OWL axioms with an axiom that provides for assertion of first-order formulae. axiom ::= assertion assertion ::= 'Assertion(' [ RDF/URIreference ] { OWL/annotation } 'Formula(' foformula ')' ')' foformula ::= SWRL/atom | 'and(' foformula* ')' | 'or(' foformula* ')' | 'not(' foformula ')' | 'implies(' foformula foformula ')' | 'equivalent(' foformula foformula ')' | 'forall(' variable+ foformula ')' | 'exists(' variable+ foformula ')' variable ::= SWRL/i-variable | 'I-variable(' RDF/URIreference OWL/description ')' | SWRL/d-variable | 'D-variable(' RDF/URIreference OWL/dataRange ')' Semantics: To be somewhat compatible with RDF, free variables in assertions are treated existentially. The rest of the semantic characterization is standard. Option: It would not be hard to allow for predicates with mixed arity, by extending SWRL/atom as follows: atom ::= RDF/URIreference '(' object* ')' object ::= SWRL/i-object | SWRL/d-object The denotation of such predicates would be sets of tuples of domain elements with the usual shorthand of identifying 1-tuples of domain elements with domain elements.
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