From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 09/04/01
My apologies for not getting this out earlier. We had to extend the telecon reservation. Note new numbers below. We'll have our weekly telecon today (August 28) from 4-5pm EDT, 1-2pm PDT, and corresponding times in other locations. The dial-in numbers are U.S.: 800-720-5850 outside U.S.: +1-904-779-4779 If you're asked, the chairperson is Jack Cater (one of my coworkers). A parallel logged IRC session will be available on the #joint-committee channel at (see for the server password). Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome. Mike agenda updates/additions announcements minutes from August 28 [1] W3C submission status (Peter) strawman DAML+OIL Query Proposal [2] (Richard) possible updates to daml+oil-ex.daml undefined properties: hasSpouse, hasOccupation undefined classes: FullTimeOccupation properties shirtsize, hasAncestor, and descendent not linked to Person no instances provide ObjectProperty values (add Eve as hasSpouse for Adam?) move classes and properties to daml+oil-ex-ont referenced by daml+oil-ex? corresponding updates to walkthru [1] [2]
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