From: Ã·æº ([email protected])
Date: 02/15/05
hello, all, sorry for bother you all, but, being a friendly reader, i have some points as follows: (1) i changed some syntax of the previous example, and then it is fed into Sesame -- an RDF database -- successfully! that is, the following codes are actually syntactically-valid RDFS :) <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:swrl="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:swrlImport="" xmlns="" xmlns:swrlb="" xmlns:swrlbImport="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:ruleml="" xml:base=""> <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""> <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/> <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/> </owl:Ontology> <swrl:Variable rdf:ID="user"/> <atomicProcess> <hasPrecondition> <ruleml:Imp> <ruleml:body> <!-- empty body --> </ruleml:body> <ruleml:head> <swrl:IndividualPropertyAtom> <swrl:propertyPredicate rdf:ID="hasCreditCardOfType"/> <swrl:argument1 rdf:resource="#user" /> <swrl:argument2 rdf:ID="VISA" /> </swrl:IndividualPropertyAtom> </ruleml:head> </ruleml:Imp> </hasPrecondition> </AtomicProcess> </rdf:RDF> (2) as Peter replied: If you want to write SWRL then you should have separate documents for OWL information and SWRL rules. If you want to embed SWRL in something else, then you should probably not use the RDF syntax. ??? why ??? !!! if it is true, why SWRL has been proposed??? a SWRL document should contain the OWL part and the rule part together, as we all expected! and Sesame actually recognized such SWRL documents, since we have tested one from Protege ontology library:, meanwhile added the recursive rules Def-hasDescendent, it works!!! we can draw out the conclusions of hasUncle, hasDescendent etc. from SWRL RDF triples, based on our coding :) so --- personally, i do not agree with the separation of the OWL part and the rule part in a SWRL document! because, it has actually worked sucessfully! Thank you very much! Best wishes, Jing
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