Re: Joint Committee telecon today 12 August

From: Brandon Amundson ([email protected])
Date: 08/19/03

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "my notes from 8/19/03 JC telecon"
    >Dear All,
    >Peter and I have prepared a proposal for DAML/OWL rules. You can find it
    I think this proposal is (surprise, surprise) not sufficiently 
    sensitive to the RDF encoding requirements. First, I think  it is 
    regrettable that the proposal is tied to the 'abstract syntax' for 
    OWL, which automatically incorporates the ugly and unnecessary 
    restrictions embodied in OWL-DL; it would be better stated relative 
    to OWL-Full, with the DL case as a syntactic/semantic restriction 
    (contained in the phrases such as "such that function S maps 
    i-variables to elements of R and d-variables to elements of LV 
    Trespectively."  If these were simply omitted in the main 
    specification, no great syntactic or semantic harm would be done but 
    the transition to wider RDF usage would be greatly eased.
    Second, the mapping to RDF graphs discussion (section 4) is 
    inadequate. It is not yet clear whether or not the rules could  be a 
    semantic extension of RDF. (It depends on how the variables are 
    encoded in RDF, if they are so encoded, but in any case, there will 
    almost certainly be a useful sense in which the rule closure of a set 
    of rules can be required to be a semantic extension.)  But certainly 
    the rules could be stated so as to allow arbitrary RDF encodings in 
    the antecedents and consequences, for example.
    PS. I may be late for the telecon today and will be using a cell 
    phone: apologies.
    IHMC	(850)434 8903 or (650)494 3973   home
    40 South Alcaniz St.	(850)202 4416   office
    Pensacola			(850)202 4440   fax
    FL 32501			(850)291 0667    cell
    [email protected]
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    <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
    <html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
    blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
     --></style><title>Re: Joint Committee telecon today 12
    <blockquote type="cite" cite>Dear All,<br>
    Peter and I have prepared a proposal for DAML/OWL rules. You can find
    <blockquote type="cite"
    <div>I think this proposal is (surprise, surprise) not sufficiently
    sensitive to the RDF encoding requirements. First, I think&nbsp; it is
    regrettable that the proposal is tied to the 'abstract syntax' for
    OWL, which automatically incorporates the ugly and unnecessary
    restrictions embodied in OWL-DL; it would be better stated relative to
    OWL-Full, with the DL case as a syntactic/semantic restriction
    (contained in the phrases such as &quot;s<font face="Gill Sans"
    size="+1" color="#000000">uch that function S maps i-variables to
    elements of R and d-variables to elements of LV</font><font
    face="Gill Sans" color="#000000"> T<font
    size="+1">respectively.&quot;&nbsp;</font></font> If these were simply
    omitted in the main specification, no great syntactic or semantic harm
    would be done but the transition to wider RDF usage would be greatly
    eased. </div>
    <div>Second, the mapping to RDF graphs discussion (section 4) is
    inadequate. It is not yet clear whether or not the rules could&nbsp;
    be a semantic extension of RDF. (It depends on how the variables are
    encoded in RDF, if they are so encoded, but in any case, there will
    almost certainly be a useful sense in which the rule closure of a set
    of rules can be required to be a semantic extension.)&nbsp; But
    certainly the rules could be stated so as to allow arbitrary RDF
    encodings in the antecedents and consequences, for example.</div>
    <div>PS. I may be late for the telecon today and will be using a cell
    phone: apologies.</div>
    IHMC<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab>(850)434 8903
    or (650)494 3973&nbsp;&nbsp; home<br>
    40 South Alcaniz St.<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    </x-tab>(850)202 4416&nbsp;&nbsp; office<br>
    Pensacola<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    </x-tab>(850)202 4440&nbsp;&nbsp; fax<br>
    FL 32501<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    </x-tab>(850)291 0667&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cell<br>
    [email protected]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;>

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