RE: SWR/ RuleML rule names

From: Boley, Harold ([email protected])
Date: 07/19/04

  • Next message: Wagner, G.R.: "RE: SWR/ RuleML rule names"
    > > This is a prime reason why in RuleML
    > > the rule label is an ind (and in the courteous extension more 
    > > generally an ind or cterm) child of the label, rather than 
    > > just a URI href.
    > [Better don't use this RulerML jargon ("ind" and "cterm") in
    > a public discussion - others are not familiar with these
    > abbreviations.]
    I guess you changed the subject line "SWRL RuleML Suggestion" to
    "SWR/ RuleML rule names", both containing "RuleML". I think it is
    OK if an email with subject line xyz uses xyz jargon.
    > There may be some confusion here coming from the use of "ind"
    > that does not stand for "individual" but for "individual
    > constant", which is a name and not an individual.
    Looking at markup such as <ind>abc</ind>, it should be clear that
    "abc" is the name.
    RuleML also allows general terms as labels for rules and rulebases.
    In particular, a complex term (cterm) that is non-ground permits
    parameterized access to a rule via instantiations of its label. Cf.:
    Similarly, rulebases (i.e., rule modules) can be parameterized. Cf.
    TRIPLE models/modules:
    > Again: the rule is the individual, and its label is its name
    > but not another individual.
    How does this rule-as-individual view transfer to a parameterized rule
    labeled by a non-ground cterm?
    -- Harold

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