From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 10/02/01
Here is a new version of the model theory for DAML+OIL that I have been working on for the past few days. A few points with respect to the model theory. 1/ Although there are differences between this model theory and the model theory for RDF(S) that Pat Hayes has produced, the only significant difference from what I believe will be the next version of Pat's model theory is the treatment of literals. Unfortunately, this is a rather major difference. 2/ I have modified my model theory for DAML+OIL to work somewhat better with respect to DAML+OIL datatypes. This has made it look somewhat different from Pat's model theory for RDF(S). 3/ To support the DAML+OIL version of datatypes (actually a slight modification of the DAML+OIL version of datatypes that does not incorporate the rdf:value mechanism) I have created my own version of the new model theory for RDF(S). I have included my RDF(S) model theory in this message as a separate attachment. Note that my RDF(S) model theory incorporates DAML+OIL datatypes. Note also that my RDF(S) model theory is a text file. This is supposed to reflect its unofficial and draft status!!! Please don't consider it as anything but a temporary support for the DAML+OIL model theory. 4/ My hope is that the RDF(S) model theory from the RDF Core WG will eventually include datatypes. If this is not the case then I expect that it will be able to admit the DAML+OIL version of datatypes. If the former happens, then I will abandon my RDF(S) model theory. If the latter happens, then I will probably take the datatype model theory from my RDF(S) model theory and create an RDF and/or RDFS model theory with datatypes as an extension to the RDF(S) model theory. I will then build the DAML+OIL model theory on top of that extension. 5/ I hope that other description logic theoreticians will be motivated to see if this new model theory has any untoward implications. Peter F. Patel-Schneider
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