From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 05/28/02
More problems with MIDs. What happens in the following cases (some written in quasi English, because the DAML+OIL would be too painful): KB John rdf:type _:r . _:r daml:onProperty friend . _:r daml:minCardinality 3 . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type _:r . _:r daml:onProperty friend . _:r daml:minCardinality 3 . John friend _:f . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type _:r . _:r daml:onProperty friend . _:r daml:minCardinality 3 . John friend _:f . John friend _:g . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type _:r . _:r daml:onProperty friend . _:r daml:toClass Person . John rdf:type _:s . _:s daml:onProperty friend . _:s daml:minCardinality 1 . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type [all friend Student OR all friend Employee ] John friend _:f . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type [all friend Student OR all friend Employee ] John friend _:f . John friend _:g . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type [all friend Student OR all friend Employee ] _:r daml:onProperty friend . _:r daml:minCardinality 2 . Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished KB John rdf:type [friend _:f OR friend _:g ] Query John friend ?l . ?l distinguished I believe that most of these do not have intuitive answers using MIDs. peter
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