Re: the daml example

From: Jessica Jenkins ([email protected])
Date: 01/09/01

>From this paragraph in the RDF Model & Syntax Spec:

"When about is specified with Description, the statements in the
Description refer to the resource named in the about. A
Description element without an about attribute represents an in-line
resource. This in-line resource has a resource identifier formed using the
of the base URI of the document containing the RDF statements plus an
anchor id equal to the value of the ID attribute of the Description
element, if
present. When another Description or property value refers to the in-line
resource it will use the value of the ID in an about attribute."

and from the description of how to determine a base URI in "Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", I would say that Person in
the example is defined in the resource identified by the base URI, not
the default namespace. In
addition, the XML
Namespace spec doesn't seem to associate default namespaces with base


On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> I don't understand the rationale behind the XML namespace stuff very well,
> but shouldn't the definition of Person in the example define Person in the
> default namespace?  (Or, perhaps, does the # in the front give it an
> explicit (?) URL?)
> If a leading # produces an implicit (?) URL for the current page, then there
> should be a very strong prohibition against using leading #'s along with a
> default namespace.
> peter
> PS: On a related note, shouldn't the .daml documents have html titles,
> etc., etc.?

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