Re: equivalentTo

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 03/21/01

>As I was going through the reference document last night, I again
>encountered the issue of equivalentTo.
>equivalentTo has been used to make two things the same.  However, there are
>several subrelationships of equivalentTo, including sameClassAs and
>samePropertyAs.  These two subrelationships then have no interesting extra
>meaning, as once two things are the same, they can't be made any samer.
>So my suggestion is to do away with equivalentTo.

Well, an alternative is to do away with all its subrelationships and 
just use equivalentTo for everything, including classes and 
properties. We could leave sameFooAs forms there simply as sugar and 
they would do no harm. Which I think amounts to a proposal to leave 
it the way it is :-)


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