Re: Validating daml+oil-ex.daml

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 10/31/01

Jeff wrote:

> > 2) The Person class has a restriction stating the a person can have only
> > one FullTimeOccupation, but FullTimeOccupation is not defined in the
> > ontology. The FullTimeOccupation class should be added to the ontology.

Peter answered:
> It probably should be, but it is not strictly necessary, as its position in a
> restriction makes it an rdf:Class.

We've discussed this a few times in the past. It was then considered a deliberate feature of the example to show that DAML+OIL allows the usage of (e.g.) classes before they are "defined", or even when they are not "defined" at all (particularly in a Web context).

I still consider this a feature of the example, not a bug.


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