From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 10/12/01
With all apologies to John McCarthy, who should know better, this statement is at best misleading, and at worst dangerously wrong. [[[ ... XML is isomorphic to the subset of Lisp data where the first item in a list is required to be atomic. ]]] -- 1998: Advice for XML, W3 and ICE Fri, 07 May 1999 20:56:22 GMT (I'm couching the differences below in terms of XML Infoset, as that is the smallest reasonable definition of what is in an XML document.) Lisp data is not just (standard) lists or ordered trees. Lisp data can be circular in many ways. XML Infosets should (? actually I can't find any prohibition on this in the infoset document) not be circular in any way. XML Infosets have considerable required structure, and many reserved names, and thus are not just general trees. Peter F. Patel-Schneider Bell Labs Research
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