From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 01/30/01
There are three ways of looking at concrete objects and their intertwining with abstract objects. 1/ One domain, no separation Concrete objects act just like abstract objects. They can be the subject of properties, new classes of concrete objects can be defined, etc., etc. This view has untenable computational problems, both theoretical and practical. On the theoretical side, reasoning become undecidable. On the practial side, mechanisms have to be provided to give concrete objects properties, etc., etc. 2/ Two separate domains Concrete and abstract objects form completely separate domains, and no semantic mapping can map to their union. Concrete objects cannot participate in abstract properties at all. Concrete objects can only participate as the target of concrete properties. Concrete properties cannot have inverses, and cannot be unambiguous. This view has the easiest implementation. However, the strict separation requires that modellers make the abstract/concrete distinction for all properties. 3/ One domain, strong separation There is a single domain for concrete and abstract objects, with two subdomains. Some semantic mappings map to this domain. However, most semantic mappings map to one of the subdomains. Complement is relative to the abstract subdomain only. This view is more flexible. However, the possibility of properties that map to the full domain means that implementers and modellers cannot count on property targets being from the same domain. As many semantic mappings are applicable only to the abstract domain, programs will have to check for the appropriate domain. This view has to be carefully constructed so that it does not degenerate into the first view. For example, there still needs to be two types of properties, namely general and abstract properties. Only abstract properties can have inverses, etc., etc. This view also has the most changes from RDF(S). Here is one *possible* skeleton for the third view. I have not analyzed this extensively, so there is the distinct chance of problems herein. daml:Thing the entire domain rdfs:Literal <= daml:Thing the concrete subdomain this requires a union type for all concrete types rdfs:Resource <= daml:Thing the abstract subdomain ? rdfs:Class the class of all classes note that concrete datatypes are now classes (I think) daml:AbstractClass the class of all abstract classes daml:ConcreteClass the class of all concrete classes rdf:Property rdfs:domain = rdfs:Resource rdfs:range = rdfs:Thing daml:AbstractProperty rdfs:range = rdfs:Resource this requires the change to rdfs:range daml:ConcreteProperty rdfs:range = rdfs:Literal this requires the change to rdfs:range daml:disjoint these can only involve abstract classes daml:unionOf daml:disjointUnionOf daml:intersectionOf daml:disjointWith rdfs:domain = daml:AbstractClass rdfs:range = daml:AbstractClass daml:complementOf rdfs:domain = daml:AbstractClass rdfs:range = daml:AbstractClass daml:Restriction <= daml:AbstractClass daml:onProperty rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = rdfs:Property daml:toType rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = rdfs:Class daml:hasValue rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = daml:Thing daml:hasType rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = rdfs:Class daml:hasTypeQ rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = rdfs:Class daml:minCardinality rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = >=0 daml:maxCardinality rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = >=0 daml:cardinality rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = >=0 daml:minCardinalityQ rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = >=0 daml:maxCardinalityQ rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = >=0 daml:cardinalityQ rdfs:domain = daml:Restriction rdfs:range = >=0
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