From: Deborah Mcguinness ([email protected])
Date: 01/11/01
this is great - thx for the work. just to be clear, i think point 1 means going to three place for 8 updates: http://www.ksl.Stanford.EDU/people/dlm/daml-semantics/ for the axiomatic semantics for the examples walkthru and reference and for daml+oil spec the 2 differences files model-theoretic semantics so we have a total of 8 documents and for releasing on the 11th.... there are benefits to being in the us... gaining some time at the end of aday :-) d Frank van Harmelen wrote: > As Ian, I have incorporated all changes requested until now. > Also, the comments are getting really minor, so we seem to have convergence. > > Mike, I suggest you > [1] copy the files from the usual locations, > [2] remove the versioning info simply remove the style def's in the header, > or (more cumbersome), remove all span elements) > [3] checks that all the links work (there was some renaming of files, so PLEASE CHECK) > > and ask Jim to announce our labor to the world. > > If you want to release on the 11th, this is your chance! > > Frank. > ----
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