Re: Semantic Web Class

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 10/09/01

Jeff Heflin wrote:
> my Semantic Web course web page is at:
> I'd be interested in any feedback or suggestions that you might have.
> I'd also be interested in discussing course content and organization
> issues with others who have offered or plan on offering a similar
> course.

We taught a Semantic Web course last year (and will do again this year).
Attended by some 30 students, followed by a 3 week full-time assignment
where they had to build a domain ontology in OIL (using OILed and FaCT), and use it
to generate a website (using XSLT etc). 

The page is at
Contains course layout, slides and reading material. 

As part of the OntoWeb network, Arthur Stutt <[email protected]> is collecting educational resources with the goal of constructing an education-portal.

Jeff: would you care to post your site to him?
Richard: you mentioned you also taught a similar course. Care to show us that? 


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