From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 09/25/01
From: Richard Fikes <[email protected]>
Subject: DAML+OIL Query Language and RQL
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 11:05:55 -0700
> The text at the beginning of my initial message on DQL 0.1 was intended
> to be an informal description of the language. I don't think I can do
> much better than that and so will include it again here:
> -----------------------------------
> An instance of class Query represents a question posed to a reasoner. A
> query instance consists of two parts: a query premise and a query
> pattern. A query premise is a DAML+OIL KB that is effectively asserted
> to the queried KB for the duration of the query. It is to contain
> assumptions particular to the current query. The query premise can be
> empty to indicate the absence of such assumptions. A query pattern is
> the question itself. It is in effect a conjunction of one or more
> triples. Each triple corresponds to an RDF Statement except that its
> predicate, subject, and/or object can be a variable. Variables present
> in a query pattern, if any, are implicitly quantified existentially at
> the beginning of the pattern. Syntactically, a query pattern is in xml
> markup.
> An answer to a query specifies an instance of the query pattern all of
> those RDF statements are entailed by the KB being queried conjoined with
> the query premise KB. An instance of class QueryAnswer represents one
> answer to a query. A query answer instance consists of two principle
> parts: the query posed and a set of bindings to the query variables
> representing an instantiation of those query variables.
I would like to see a more-formal description of DQL in the near future.
In particular, I would like to see a formal definition of what an answer
is. (For example, what if there are two resources that are defined as
being the same. Do these constitute one answer or two?)
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