From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 06/04/03
I think I heard two complaints about Benjamin's proposed style of rules-language semantics: 1. It's different from RDF and OWL, and that difference itself makes things more complicated. Such a difference needs to be well-motivated. 2. It's wrong, because it means you can't express knowledge about real things, like specific colors. I would like to see a test case for #2. Pat sketched one using colors, but I couldn't quite see the details. Let me try another one using Said's example of financial regulations being published as Rules. As I recall from the bubble days, the American SEC has a rule saying that company founders cannot sell any stock within 6 months after the company goes public. Perhaps they could publish a rule which various consumers could incorporate into their stock-trade planning software: sec:forbiddenTrade(?x) <- sec:seller(?x, ?person) /\ sec:company(?x, ?company) /\ sec:date(?x, ?saledate) /\ sec:founder(?person, ?company) /\ sec:ipoDate(?company, ?ipodate) /\ % ?saledate < ?ipodate+6 months; requires some date handling Let's look at that "sec:founder" predicate. In RDF's semantics I would say it relates a person and a company. In HornLP semantics, I would say it relates a term which presents a person and a term which represents a company. Is that right? Now the question is: how do we get the difference to show up? Where does it matter? Benjamin's notes on the subject say: > Benj: that's orthogonal to Herbrand-ness unless you can represent within > the KR some info relating the denoter to the denotation but I can't see how to get to that situation where it stops being orthogonal. -- sandro
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