From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 07/27/04
> a. Constants > > A constant is either a literal or a URI. ... > URI: > - a complete URI (protocol://location...) > - a Qname (prefix:...) > > Both must conform to the W3 specs. The "//" is only present in some situations, so you cannot rely on it to syntactically distinguish between URIs and QNames. (For example, "mailto:[email protected]" is a URI.) Technically, QNames conform to the URI syntax; they are not disjoint. In practice, almost every URI in use violates the QName syntaxs (eg with the "@" in mailto), so you could carve out the QName part of the URI syntax, but that's still kind of risky. I don't have a great alternative. N3 uses angle-brackets around URIs and nothing around QNames. SWI Prolog has URIs be atoms (surrounded by single-quotes, in normal prolog syntax) and QNames be terms with a ":" infix operator (which are usually rewritten at parse-time). -- sandro
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