This site contains an archive of papers and other resources
that discuss OWL-S and
related work. The archive is a continually evolving resource, and as
such does not contain all the available resources. If a
resource/paper/archive is missing, please let us know by emailing paolucci -at- cs -dot- cmu -dot- edu.
In your message, please include a listing for each publication that is
consistent in style with those below.
This is by no means complete, and represents only a sample
of OWL-S (and DAML-S) relevant papers found to date. If you want
your paper added, we'll be very glad to hear from you!
OWL-S Coalition Papers
DAML-S related papers published by the OWL-S coalition
as a whole can be found in the OWL-S
Coalition Publications page.
Many of the papers on this page also include OWL-S Coalition members as authors.
OWL-S Publication Resource Archive
- Visual Modelling of OWL-S Services,
J.Scicluna, C.Abela, and M.Montebello,
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference
WWW/Internet, Madrid, Spain, October 2004.
- Using Semantic Web Services for Context-Aware Mobile Applications,
Mithun Sheshagiri, Norman Sadeh and Fabien Gandon,
Proceedings of MobiSys2004 Workshop on Context Awareness, Boston, June 2004.
- An Approach to
Confidentiality and Integrity for OWL-S, Lalana Kagal,
Grit Denker, Tim Finin, Massimo Paolucci, Naveen Srinivasan and Katia
Sycara, forthcoming in Proceedings of AAAI 2004 Spring Symposium. (pdf)
- Untangling the Broker
Paradox in OWL-S, Massimo Paolucci, Julien Soudry, Naveen
Srinivasan, and Katia Sycara, forthcoming in Proceedings of AAAI 2004
Spring Symposium. (pdf)
- Stepwise Refinable Service Descriptions: Adapting DAML-S to Staged Service Trading,
Michael Klein, Birgitta König-Ries, and Philipp Obreiter,
1st International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC-03), Trento, December 15-18, 2003.
- Automated Discovery,
Interaction and Composition of Semantic Web services,Katia
Sycara, Massimo Paolucci, Anupriya Ankolekar and Naveen
Srinivasan,Journal of Web Semantics, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2003,
pp. 27-46. (pdf)
- Security For DAML Web
Services: Annotation and Matchmaking, Grit Denker, Lalana Kagal,
Tim Finin, Massimo Paolucci and Katia Sycara, In Proceedings
of the Second International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2003),
Sandial Island, Fl, USA, October 2003, pp 335-350. (pdf)
- The DAML-S Virtual Machine,
Massimo Paolucci, Anupriya Ankolekar, Naveen Srinivasan and Katia
Sycara, In Proceedings of the Second International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC), 2003, Sandial Island, Fl, USA, October 2003, pp
290-305. (pdf)
- Toward a Semantic
Choreography of Web Services: From WSDL to DAML-S, Massimo
Paolucci, Naveen Srinivasan, Katia Sycara, and Takuya Nishimura,
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Services
(ICWS'03), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2003, pp 22-26. (pdf)
- Using DAML-S for P2P
Discovery, Massimo Paolucci, Katia Sycara, Takuya
Nishimura, and Naveen Srinivasan, In Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03), Las Vegas, Nevada,
USA, June 2003, pp 203- 207 . (pdf)
- A Preliminary Report of a
Public Experiment of a Semantic Service Matchmaker combined with a UDDI
Business Registry, Takahiro Kawamura, Jacques-Albert De Blasio,
Tetsuo Hasegawa, Massimo Paolucci and Katia Sycara, 1st
International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2003),
Trento, Italy, December 2003. (pdf)
- Autonomous Semantic Web
Services, Massimo Paolucci and Katia Sycara, In IEEE
Internet Computing, vol. 7, #5, September/October 2003, pp 34-41. (pdf)
- Towards a Semantic Web
Ecommerce, Massimo Paolucci, Naveen Srinivasan, Katia Sycara,
and Takuya Nishimura, In Proceedings of 6th Conference on Business
Information Systems (BIS2003), Colorado Springs, Co, USA, June 2003, pp
153-161 . (pdf)
- Delivering Semantic Web
Services, Massimo Paolucci, Katia Sycara, and Takahiro
Kawamura, in Proceedings of the Twelves World Wide Web Conference
(WWW2003), Budapest, Hungary, May 2003, pp 111- 118 .
- An experience report on using DAML-S., Marta Sabou,
Debbie Richards, and Sander van Splunter In The Proceedings of the
Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference Workshop on E-Services
and the Semantic Web (ESSW '03). Budapest, 2003. (pdf)
A Bottom-Up Approach to Automating Web Service Discovery,
Customization, and Semantic Translation., Daniel J. Mandell and
Sheila A. McIlraith. In The Proceedings of the Twelfth
International World Wide Web Conference Workshop on E-Services and the
Semantic Web (ESSW '03). Budapest, 2003. (pdf)
Bringing Semantics to Web Services, Sheila McIlraith
and David Martin. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18(1):90--93,
January/February, 2003. (pdf -
copyright IEEE)
Analysis and Simulation of Web Services, Srini
Narayanan and Sheila McIlraith. Accepted for Publication in
Computer Networks, Elsevier Science B.V., 2003.
for Mathematical Services in MONET, Walter Barbera-Medina,
Julian Padget, Marc Aird In AAMAS Workshop on Web
Services and Agent-Based Engineering, 2003.
Planner for Composing Services Described in DAML-S, Mithun
Sheshagiri, Marie desJardins, Tim Finin, In AAMAS Workshop on Web
Services and Agent-Based Engineering, 2003.
Web Services using an Agent Factory, Debbie Richards, Sander
van Splunter, Frances M.T. Brazier, Marta Sabou, In AAMAS Workshop on Web
Services and Agent-Based Engineering, 2003.
Workflows of Semantic Web Services" , Mikko Laukkanen and
Heikki Helin, In AAMAS
Workshop on Web Services and Agent-Based Engineering, 2003.
- The Agentcities DAML-S Style Guide, Simon
Thompson, Ion Constantinescu. (pdf)
- Semantic Web Services as Agent Behaviors, Paul A.
Buhler, Jose M. Vidal. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H. Nakashima,
L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors, Agentcities:
Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31.
Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- Towards the Synthesis of Web Services and Agent Behaviors,
Paul A. Buhler, Jose M. Vidal. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H.
Nakashima, L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors,
Agentcities: Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31.
Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- Abstract Behavior Representations for Service Integration,
Ion Constantinescu, Steve Willmott, Boi Faltings. In B. Burg, J.
Dale, T. Finin, H. Nakashima, L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott,
editors, Agentcities: Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages
25-31. Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- Coordinating Heterogeneous Information Services based on
Approximate Ontology Translation, Jun-ichi Akahani, Kaoru
Hiramatsu, Kiyoshi Kogure. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H.
Nakashima, L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors,
Agentcities: Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31.
Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- From DAML-S to Executable Code, Sergio Gaio, Antonio
Lopes, Luis Botelho. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H. Nakashima,
L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors, Agentcities:
Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31.
Springer-Verlag, 2003. (info1,
- Coordinating Heterogeneous Information Services based on
Approximate Ontology Translation, Jun-ichi Akahani, Kaoru
Hiramatsu, Kiyoshi Kogure. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H.
Nakashima, L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors,
Agentcities: Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31.
Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- My Agent Wants to Talk to Your Service: Personalizing
Web Services through Agents, Harumi Kuno, Akhil Sahai. In B.
Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H. Nakashima, L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S.
Willmott, editors, Agentcities: Challenges in Open Agent Environments,
pages 25-31. Springer-Verlag, 2003. (pdf)
- Pizza and a Movie: A Case Study in Advanced Web Services,
Jonathan Dale, Luigi Ceccaroni. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H.
Nakashima, L. Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors,
Agentcities: Challenges in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31.
Springer-Verlag, 2003. (info1, info2) (pdf)
- A Dependency Markup Language for Web Services,
Robert Tolksdorf. In B. Burg, J. Dale, T. Finin, H. Nakashima, L.
Padgham, C. Sierra, and S. Willmott, editors, Agentcities: Challenges
in Open Agent Environments, pages 25-31. Springer-Verlag, 2003. (info1, info2) (pdf)
- M. Paolucci, O. Shehory and K. Sycara, "Interleaving
Planning and Execution in a Multiagent Team Planning Environment", in Electronic
Transactions of Artificial Intelligence, Forthcoming, 2001.
- G. Denker et al., "Accessing Information and Services on
the DAML-Enabled Web", Proc. Second Int'l Workshop Semantic Web
(SemWeb'2001), Hongkong, China, May, 2001.
- S. McIlraith, T.C. Son, and H. Zeng, "Mobilizing the
Semantic Web with DAML-Enabled Web Services", Proc. Second Int'l
Workshop Semantic Web (SemWeb'2001), Hongkong, China, May, 2001.
- J. Hendler, "Agents on the Web", IEEE Intelligent
Systems, Special Issue on the Semantic Web, Volume 16, No. 2, pp.
30-37, March/April, 2001.
- S. McIlraith, T.C. Son and H. Zeng, "Semantic Web
Services", IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on the Semantic
Web, Volume 16, No. 2, pp. 46-53, March/April, 2001.
- K. Sycara, J. Lu, M. Klusch, and S. Widoff, "Dynamic
Service Matchmaking among Agents in Open Information Environments", Journal
ACM SIGMOD Record, Special Issue on Semantic Interoperability in Global
Information Systems, A. Ouksel, A. Sheth (Eds.), 1999.
- K. Sycara, J. Lu, M. Klusch, and S. Widoff, "Matchmaking
Among Heterogeneous Agents in the Internet", Proceedings AAAI
Spring Symposium on Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace, Stanford,
USA, 1999.
- K. Sycara, J. Lu, and M. Klusch, "Interoperability among
Heterogeneous Software Agents on the Internet", Technical Report
CMU-RI-TR-98-22, CMU Pittsburgh, USA, October 1998.
OWL-S Related Sites
OWL-S Abstracts
- Matchmaking of web services based on the DAML-S service
Sharad Bansal and José M. Vidal - To Appear in
AAMAS 2003
DAML-S provides the means for a web service to advertise
its functionality to potential users of the service. This brings to
fore the issue of discovering an advertisement that best matches a
request for a particular service a process referred to as matchmaking.
The algorithms that have thus far been proposed for matchmaking are
based on comparisons of the requested and offered inputs and outputs.
In this project, we extend these algorithms by taking into account the
detailed process description of the service, thus leading to more
accurate matchmaking. That is, we present an algorithm that will allow
users to find services based on their Service Model Description. The
query language we introduce supports both positive and negative terms.
The algorithm runs in worst time of O(cn ), where c is the number of
process nodes in the advertisement and n is the number of outputs to be
matched. We also show results of tests performed against a simple