Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 February

From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 02/15/05

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 February"
    > i mentioned this to sandro but will mention to the committee as well - i 
    > moved a meeting from the week of the 18th to the week of april 25 so 
    > that i could make the original dates that were announced for the week of 
    > the 18th
    > i expect not to be able to reschedule the meeting again to accomodate 
    > the new dates of august 27-28.  there is a slim chance for the 28th but 
    > it probably will not work.
    > sorry - if i had not moved it to that week from the other week it would 
    > have been easier.
    I apologize again for the false starts in picking the date, and that
    we were unable to find a date that worked for everyone.  I hope if you
    end up unable to attend that someone else from KSL can help bring at
    least some of your perspective.
          -- sandro

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