Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 February

From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 02/15/05

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 15 February"
    > > > Sorry if my message was confusing, but that's the real thing, not a
    > > > draft.
    > > > 
    > > >       -- sandro
    > > 
    > > Something better be a draft, because the call and the home page don't agree
    > > on the dates.
    > I see 27-28 April on both... (maybe something got fixed?)
    In my mail to the PC, I tried to point out that the last two weeks of
    March would be a very busy time for the PC, but I said "April" by
    mistake.  As far as I know, that's the only error in dates.  Have I
    missed something else?
       -- sandro

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