Re: Semantic Web panel at WWW10

From: Stefan Decker ([email protected])
Date: 04/24/01


I'll be at the WWW10 conference and would be willing to participate
(but I'm willing to retract is somebody else wants to do the panel).

All the best,


At 12:06 PM 4/24/2001 +0200, Frank van Harmelen wrote:

>At WWW10 there will be a panel on the Semantic Web 
>Besides TimBL (W3C), Dieter (EU) and Ana Benitez (MPEG7), Jim would 
>originally take part to give the DAML perspective.
>Unfortunately, Jim cannot go because of DARPA travel restrictions to 
>China. TimD had offered to take his place, but had to withdraw because of 
>practical problems.
>Is anybody from the Joint Committee present at WWW10 and willing to 
>represent the DAML programme? Tim has already prepared material that could 
>be used in a short opening statement.
>Perhaps we can discuss this briefly at the teleconf tonight? It would be a 
>missed opportunity if there was noone there to represent our work.
>    ----

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